featurebase 0.2.2 featurebase: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard
Featurebase Unofficial Flutter SDK
Featurebase (Unofficial) Flutter SDK #
Featurebase is a Feedback, Knowledge base, Changelog and Survey hub. Learn more at https://featurebase.app
Features #
- ✅ Knowledge base
- ❌ Feedback
Platform Support #
Android | iOS | MacOS | Web | Linux | Windows |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌* | ✅ | ✅ |
Some CORS issues cause it not to load on web (looking into a fix) *
Get started #
First you need to add the package to your pubspec.yaml
Usage #
Call the openKnowledgeBase function to open the panel.
logo: SvgPicture.asset(
height: 25,
width: 25,
colorFilter: const ColorFilter.mode(
knowledgeBaseUrl: 'https://help.featurebase.app', // Use your featurebase url
primaryColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
textColor: Colors.white,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor,
context: context,