fastcrypt 1.0.0 copy "fastcrypt: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
fastcrypt: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A high-performance, secure encryption library for Dart, leveraging the powerful **ChaCha20-Poly1305** algorithm.

πŸ”’ FastCrypt #

Pub Version codecov

FastCrypt is a high-performance, secure encryption library for Dart, leveraging the powerful ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm. Designed with versatility in mind, FastCrypt can be seamlessly integrated into Dart applications across various platforms, ensuring your data remains confidential and tamper-proof. With a small code you have cutting-edge encryption in your hands:

final fastCrypt = FastCrypt();
// To encrypt a message
final encrypted = fastCrypt.encryptText('Top secret message');
// To decrypt the message
final decrypted = fastCrypt.decryptText(encrypted);

πŸ“š Table of Contents #

πŸ“ Introduction #

In the digital age, securing data is paramount. Whether you're developing mobile apps, web applications, or backend services in Dart, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected is crucial. FastCrypt offers a robust solution by implementing the ChaCha20 encryption algorithm combined with Poly1305 for authentication, providing both confidentiality and integrity for your data.

πŸš€ Why FastCrypt? #

⚑ Superior Performance #

  • Software-Optimized: ChaCha20 outperforms AES on platforms without hardware acceleration
  • Cross-Platform Excellence: Consistent high performance across mobile, web, and server
  • Pure Dart Implementation: No native dependencies or platform-specific code

πŸ” Rock-Solid Security #

  • Modern Cryptography: Based on the IETF standard RFC 8439
  • Complete Protection: Combines encryption (ChaCha20) with authentication (Poly1305)
  • Battle-Tested: Used in TLS 1.3 and trusted by major tech companies

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Developer-Friendly #

  • Simple API: Intuitive methods for both string and byte-based encryption
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Clear examples and explanations
  • Built-in Safety: Automatic key and nonce generation

πŸ”’ Cryptography Basics #

Before diving into using FastCrypt, it's essential to understand some fundamental cryptographic concepts. Don't worryβ€”we'll break them down in simple terms!

πŸ”‘ Key #

Think of the key as the secret password used to encrypt and decrypt your data. It should be kept confidential; anyone with access to the key can decrypt your data.

  • Length: FastCrypt uses a 32-byte (256-bit) key, providing a high level of security.

πŸ”„ Nonce #

A nonce (number used once) is a random value that ensures each encryption operation produces a unique ciphertext, even if the same plaintext and key are used multiple times.

  • Length: FastCrypt uses a 12-byte nonce.

πŸ“‘ AAD (Additional Authenticated Data) #

AAD allows you to include additional information that you'd like to authenticate but not encrypt. This data is verified during decryption to ensure it hasn't been tampered with.

  • Use Case: Including headers or metadata alongside your encrypted data.

🏷️ Tag #

The tag is a result of the authentication process. It ensures that the ciphertext hasn't been altered and that it originates from a trusted source.

  • Length: FastCrypt generates a 16-byte tag.

πŸ”’ Ciphertext #

Ciphertext is the encrypted version of your plaintext data. Without the correct key and nonce, it should be computationally infeasible to revert to the original plaintext.

🌟 Features #

  • Authenticated Encryption: Ensures both the confidentiality and integrity of your data.
  • Random Key and Nonce Generation: Provides secure random generation methods for keys and nonces.
  • Flexible API: Supports both string and byte data types for encryption and decryption.
  • Error Handling: Throws specific exceptions (e.g., AuthenticationException) when authentication fails.
  • Lightweight: No dependencies, ensuring your application remains lean.

βš™οΈ Installation #

Add FastCrypt to your pubspec.yaml:

  fastcrypt: ^1.0.0

Then, run:

flutter pub get

Note: Replace ^1.0.0 with the latest version available.

πŸš€ Quick Start #

Encrypting and Decrypting Strings #

Encrypting and decrypting text is straightforward with FastCrypt.

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  String plaintext = "Hello, Dart!";

  // Encrypt the plaintext
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptString(plaintext);

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt the ciphertext
  String decrypted = crypt.decryptString(
    ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
    tag: encrypted.tag,
    key: encrypted.key,
    nonce: encrypted.nonce,

  print('Decrypted Text: $decrypted');

Encrypting and Decrypting Bytes #

For binary data, use the byte-based methods.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  // Sample binary data
  List<int> data = utf8.encode("Binary Data Example");

  // Encrypt the data
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptBytes(data);

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt the data
  List<int> decryptedBytes = crypt.decryptBytes(
    ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
    tag: encrypted.tag,
    key: encrypted.key,
    nonce: encrypted.nonce,

  String decrypted = utf8.decode(decryptedBytes);
  print('Decrypted Data: $decrypted');

Generating Keys and Nonces #

FastCrypt provides methods to generate a key and a nonce securely. The encrypt and decrypt methods can also generate these values if not provided. If you prefer to generate them separately, you can use the following:

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  // Generate a 32-byte key
  List<int> key = FastCrypt.generateKey();

  // Generate a 12-byte nonce
  List<int> nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();

  print('Key: $key');
  print('Nonce: $nonce');

I'll help you add documentation for the ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor and ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor classes to your README. Here's how you can include them in your API Reference section:

Stream Transformers #

ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor Class

A stream transformer that encrypts data using ChaCha20-Poly1305, processing it in chunks for efficient memory usage.

final encryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor(
  cipher: cipher,
  key: key,
  nonce: nonce,
  aad: aad,         // optional
  chunkSize: 64000, // optional, default is 64KB

// Use with a stream
final encryptedStream = inputStream.transform(encryptor);
  • Parameters:

    • cipher: An instance of ChaCha20Poly1305
    • key: A 32-byte encryption key
    • nonce: A 12-byte nonce
    • aad: Optional additional authenticated data
    • chunkSize: Size of chunks to process (default: 64KB)
  • Output Stream Format:

    1. Nonce (first chunk)
    2. Encrypted data chunks
    3. Authentication tag (final chunk)

ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor Class

A stream transformer that decrypts data previously encrypted with ChaCha20-Poly1305.

final decryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(
  cipher: cipher,
  key: key,
  aad: aad,         // optional
  chunkSize: 64000, // optional, default is 64KB

// Use with a stream
final decryptedStream = inputStream.transform(decryptor);
  • Parameters:

    • cipher: An instance of ChaCha20Poly1305
    • key: A 32-byte decryption key
    • aad: Optional additional authenticated data
    • chunkSize: Size of chunks to process (default: 64KB)
  • Input Stream Format:

    • Expects data in the format output by ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor
    • Must include nonce (first 12 bytes) and tag (last 16 bytes)
  • Throws:

    • AuthenticationException: If the authentication tag verification fails
    • StateError: If the input stream is empty
    • ArgumentError: If the input data is too short to contain nonce and tag

🧩 Examples #

Encrypting a Message with AAD #

Including AAD enhances security by binding additional data to the ciphertext.

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() {
  final crypt = FastCrypt();

  String message = "Sensitive Information";
  List<int> aad = utf8.encode("User ID: 12345");

  // Encrypt with AAD
  EncryptedData encrypted = crypt.encryptString(
    aad: aad,

  print('Ciphertext: ${encrypted.ciphertext}');
  print('Tag: ${encrypted.tag}');
  print('Nonce: ${encrypted.nonce}');

  // Decrypt with AAD
  try {
    String decrypted = crypt.decryptString(
      ciphertext: encrypted.ciphertext,
      tag: encrypted.tag,
      key: encrypted.key,
      nonce: encrypted.nonce,
      aad: aad,
    print('Decrypted Message: $decrypted');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Decryption failed: $e');

If the AAD provided during decryption doesn't match the one used during encryption, decryption will fail, ensuring data integrity.

Usage with Streams

import 'package:fastcrypt/fastcrypt.dart';

void main() async {
  final cipher = ChaCha20Poly1305();
  final key = FastCrypt.generateKey();
  final nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();

  // Create transformers
  final encryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor(
    cipher: cipher,
    key: key,
    nonce: nonce,

  final decryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(
    cipher: cipher,
    key: key,

  // Example stream encryption and decryption
  final inputData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  final inputStream = Stream.fromIterable([inputData]);

  // Encrypt
  final encryptedStream = inputStream.transform(encryptor);
  final encryptedData = await encryptedStream.toList();

  // Decrypt
  final decryptStream = Stream.fromIterable(encryptedData)
  final decryptedData = await decryptStream.toList();

  print('Decrypted: ${decryptedData.first}');

πŸ“˜ API Reference #

FastCrypt Class #


  • generateKey()

    Generates a secure 32-byte random key.

    static List<int> generateKey();
  • generateNonce()

    Generates a secure 12-byte random nonce.

    static List<int> generateNonce();
  • encryptString(String plaintext, {List<int>? key, List<int>? nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Encrypts a plaintext string.

    • Parameters:

      • plaintext: The text to encrypt.
      • key: Optional 32-byte key. If not provided, a new key is generated.
      • nonce: Optional 12-byte nonce. If not provided, a new nonce is generated.
      • aad: Optional additional authenticated data.
    • Returns: EncryptedData object containing ciphertext, tag, and nonce.

  • decryptString({required List<int> ciphertext, required List<int> tag, required List<int> key, required List<int> nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Decrypts ciphertext to retrieve the original string.

    • Parameters:

      • ciphertext: The encrypted data.
      • tag: The authentication tag.
      • key: The 32-byte key used during encryption.
      • nonce: The 12-byte nonce used during encryption.
      • aad: The same additional authenticated data used during encryption.
    • Returns: Decrypted plaintext string.

    • Throws: AuthenticationException if authentication fails.

  • encryptBytes(List<int> plaintext, {List<int>? key, List<int>? nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Encrypts plaintext bytes.

    • Parameters: Same as encryptString.

    • Returns: EncryptedData object.

  • decryptBytes({required List<int> ciphertext, required List<int> tag, required List<int> key, required List<int> nonce, List<int> aad = const []})

    Decrypts ciphertext bytes.

    • Parameters: Same as decryptString.

    • Returns: Decrypted plaintext bytes.

    • Throws: AuthenticationException if authentication fails.

πŸ›‘οΈ Security Considerations #

  • Key Management: Always store your encryption keys securely. Consider using secure storage solutions like the device's keychain or secure environment variables.

  • Nonce Uniqueness: Never reuse a nonce with the same key. Reusing nonces can lead to vulnerabilities, potentially exposing your plaintext.

  • Authentication: Always verify the tag during decryption to ensure the data's integrity and authenticity.

  • Randomness: Utilize the provided key and nonce generation methods to ensure cryptographic randomness.

βœ… Best Practices #

  1. Never Reuse Keys or Nonces

    // Good: Generate new values for each encryption
    final key = FastCrypt.generateKey();
    final nonce = FastCrypt.generateNonce();
    // Bad: Reusing values
    final reusedKey = savedKey; // Don't do this!
  2. Secure Key Storage

    // Good: Use secure storage
    final storage = YourSecureStorage();
    await storage.write(key: 'encryption_key', value: key);
    // Bad: Storing in plain text
    SharedPreferences.setText('key', key); // Don't do this!
  3. Handle Errors Properly

    try {
      final decrypted = fastCrypt.decryptString(...);
    } on AuthenticationException {
      // Handle tampering attempt
      logSecurityEvent('Data tampering detected');
    } catch (e) {
      // Handle other errors
      logError('Encryption error', e);

🀝 Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or submitting a pull request, your involvement helps make FastCrypt better.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/name.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/name.
  5. Open a pull request.

Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and includes relevant tests.

πŸ“œ License #

FastCrypt is MIT Licensed.

πŸ“š References #




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A high-performance, secure encryption library for Dart, leveraging the powerful **ChaCha20-Poly1305** algorithm.

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