fast_immutable_collections 10.2.4 fast_immutable_collections: ^10.2.4 copied to clipboard
Immutable lists, sets, maps, and multimaps, which are as fast as their native mutable counterparts. Extension methods and comparators for native Dart collections.
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
void main() {
// Example usage of IList.
print('IList Example:');
IList<int> iList = IList<int>();
// Add elements to the list.
iList = iList.add(10).addAll([20, 30, 40]);
print('Original List: $iList');
// Access elements in the list.
final int firstElement = iList.first;
print('First Element: $firstElement');
// Remove an element from the list.
iList = iList.remove(20);
print('List after removing 20: $iList');
// Find an element in the list.
final bool containsThirty = iList.contains(30);
print('Does the list contain 30? $containsThirty');
// Creating a empty IList
const emptyIList = IList<String>.empty();
print("Empty IList is empty? ${emptyIList.isEmpty}");
// Example usage of ISet.
print('\nISet Example:');
ISet<String> iSet = ISet<String>();
// Add elements to the set.
iSet = iSet.add('apple').addAll(['banana', 'orange', 'grape']);
print('Original Set: $iSet');
// Remove an element from the set.
iSet = iSet.remove('orange');
print('Set after removing orange: $iSet');
// Check if the set contains an element.
final bool containsBanana = iSet.contains('banana');
print('Does the set contain banana? $containsBanana');
// Iterate over the elements in the set.
print('Iterating over the set:');
for (final String fruit in iSet) {
// Creating a empty ISet
const emptyISet = ISet<String>.empty();
print("Empty ISet is empty? ${emptyISet.isEmpty}");
// Example usage of IMap
print('\nIMap Example:');
IMap<String, String> iMap = IMap<String, String>();
// Add elements to the map.
iMap = iMap.add('apple', 'red');
iMap = iMap.addEntries([
const MapEntry('banana', 'yellow'),
const MapEntry('orange', 'orange'),
const MapEntry('grape', 'green')
print('Original Map: $iMap');
// Remove an element from the map.
iMap = iMap.remove('orange');
print('Map after removing orange: $iMap');
// Check if the map contains an element.
final bool containsApple = iMap.containsKey('apple');
print('Does the map contain apple as a key? $containsApple');
// Iterate over the elements in the map.
print('Iterating over the map:');
for (final MapEntry<String, String> fruitAndColor in iMap.entries) {
print("${fruitAndColor.key}: ${fruitAndColor.value}");
// Creating a empty IMap
const emptyIMap = IMap<String, String>.empty();
print("Empty IMap is empty? ${emptyIMap.isEmpty}");