extensionresoft 1.0.0 copy "extensionresoft: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
extensionresoft: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Boost your Flutter development with reusable widgets, utilities, and extensions for advanced image handling, secure PIN entry, internet connectivity checks, storage management, and more.

extensionresoft #

pub package pub points popularity likes Star on Github Awesome Flutter License: BSD

A comprehensive collection of reusable widgets, utilities, and extensions designed to streamline your Flutter development process. Ideal for: Faster development, streamlined app development, building secure login screens, and managing app settings.

Table of Contents #

Installation #

To use the extensionresoft library in your Flutter project, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  extensionresoft: ^1.0.0
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Then, run:

flutter pub get
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to install the dependencies.

Usage #

Import the extensionresoft library in your Dart files:

import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';
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You can now use any of the extensions provided by the library in your Flutter project.

Features #

The extensionresoft library includes the following major extensions among others:

Image Processing #

Advanced Image Handling

  • Widget Versatility: Implement both circular and rectangular image widgets with comprehensive placeholder support, error handling, caching mechanisms, and fallback options.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently handle network and asset images for optimal display performance across your application.

Security Features #

PIN Authentication System

  • Widget Implementation: Create robust and customizable PIN entry widgets designed for secure user authentication.
  • Security Enhancement: Enhance user experience and security in your login screens.

Network Operations #

Connectivity Management

  • Real-time Monitoring: Implement continuous network status checks for immediate connectivity awareness.
  • Graceful Handling: Ensure seamless application performance during network state transitions.

Data Management #

Storage Solutions

  • SharedPreferencesService Implementation: Utilize comprehensive persistent storage capabilities for multiple data types, including:
    • Boolean values
    • String data
    • Integer values
    • Double-precision numbers
  • Preference Management: Implement efficient systems for handling application settings and user preferences.

Extension Libraries #

Context Extensions

  • Navigation Enhancement: Streamline navigation operations with intuitive context extensions.
  • Code Optimization: Implement cleaner, more maintainable code structures.

UI Extensions

  • Icon Extensions
  • List Extensions
  • Numeric Extensions
  • String Extensions

Logic Utilities

Conditional Operations
  • Logic Implementation: Create concise conditional logic using optimized operators.
Value Management
  • Data Retrieval: Implement robust value retrieval systems with configurable fallback options.

Benefits #

Development Efficiency

  • Code Reduction: Minimize boilerplate code through reusable component implementation.
  • Task Simplification: Streamline common development tasks with intuitive utilities.

Code Quality

  • Maintainability: Improve code readability through well-structured extensions.
  • Documentation: Implement clear, consistent naming conventions for enhanced understanding.

Productivity Enhancement

  • Focus Optimization: Concentrate on core application logic development.
  • Time Management: Reduce time spent on repetitive development tasks.

Examples #

Check out the Examples section below for code examples demonstrating how to use the extensions provided by the extensionresoft library.

import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

  // Secure PIN Entry
    pinLength: 4,
    onInputComplete: (pin) => print('Entered PIN: $pin'),
    inputFieldConfiguration: InputFieldConfiguration(
      obscureText: true,
      fieldFillColor: Colors.grey[200],
      focusedBorderColor: Colors.blue,
    keyboardConfiguration: KeyboardConfiguration(
      keyBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
      keyTextStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

  // Internet Connection Management
  final connectionChecker = InternetConnectionChecker();

  // Listen to detailed connectivity changes
  connectionChecker.onInternetConnectivityChanged.listen((result) {
    print('Connection Status: ${result.hasInternetAccess}');
    print('Connection Type: ${result.connectionType}');

  // Quick connection check
  final isConnected = await connectionChecker.isInternetConnected;

  // Circular Network/Asset Image
    radius: 40,
    assetFallback: 'assets/default_avatar.png',
    placeholder: CircularProgressIndicator(),
    errorWidget: Icon(Icons.error),

  // Flexible Image Widget
    width: 200,
    height: 150,
    fit: BoxFit.cover,
    assetFallback: 'assets/placeholder.png',

  // - as decoration image -
    decoration: BoxDecoration(
      image: AppImage('https://example.com/background.jpg')
        fit: BoxFit.cover,
        fallbackAsset: 'assets/default_bg.png',
  // SpaceExtension Example
  final spacerX = 16.spaceX(); // Creates a SizedBox with a width of 16.
  final spacerY = 24.spaceY(); // Creates a SizedBox with a height of 24.
  final spacerXY = 32.spaceXY(); // Creates a SizedBox with both width and height of 32.
  final spacerXGetter = 20.spX; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with a width of 20.
  final spacerYGetter = 30.spY; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with a height of 30.
  final spacerXYGetter = 40.spXY; // Getter example: Creates a SizedBox with both width and height of 40.

  // CustomCardExtension Example
  final roundedCard = 16.radius(
    child: const Text('Hello World'),
    elevation: 4,
    color: Colors.blue,
    strokeColor: Colors.black,
    shadowColor: Colors.grey,
  ); // Creates a rounded card with specified properties.

  // PathExtension Example
  final result = 16.p((n) => n * 2); // Applies a function to the number 16 and returns the result.

  // TextExtension Example
  final textWidget = 'Hello'.edit(textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20), textAlign: TextAlign.center); // Creates a customized Text widget.

  // CustomImageExtension Example
  final imageWidget = 'assets/image.png'.img(
          width: 100, height: 100, fit: BoxFit.cover); // Creates an Image widget from an asset with specified properties.
  final circleImageContainer = 'assets/avatar.png'.circleImage(
          fit: BoxFit.cover, opacity: 0.8); // Creates a circular image container with specified properties.

  // Conditional Function Example
  final conditionResult = condition(true, 'True Value', 'False Value'); // Returns 'True Value' based on the condition.
  final conditionFunctionResult = conditionFunction(true, () => 'True Value', () => 'False Value'); // Invokes a function based on the condition.

  // Get Function Example
  final value = get('Existing Value', 'Default Value'); // Returns 'Existing Value' if not null, otherwise returns 'Default Value'.

  // SharedPreferencesService Example
  await SharedPreferencesService.init(); // Initializes SharedPreferencesService.
  await SharedPreferencesService.setBool('isDarkMode', true); // Sets a boolean value in SharedPreferences.
  final isDarkMode = SharedPreferencesService.getBool('isDarkMode'); // Retrieves the boolean value from SharedPreferences.

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Tests #

Check out unit tests for the extensionresoft library to ensure the functionality of each extension.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:extensionresoft/extensionresoft.dart';

void main() {
  group('SpaceExtension', () {
    test('spaceX should return a SizedBox with specified width', () {
      final spacerX = 16.spaceX();
      expect(spacerX.width, equals(16.0));

    test('spaceY should return a SizedBox with specified height', () {
      final spacerY = 24.spaceY();
      expect(spacerY.height, equals(24.0));

    test('spaceXY should return a SizedBox with specified width and height', () {
      final spacerXY = 32.spaceXY();
      expect(spacerXY.width, equals(32.0));
      expect(spacerXY.height, equals(32.0));

    test('spX getter should return a SizedBox with specified width', () {
      final spacerXGetter = 20.spX;
      expect(spacerXGetter.width, equals(20.0));

    test('spY getter should return a SizedBox with specified height', () {
      final spacerYGetter = 30.spY;
      expect(spacerYGetter.height, equals(30.0));

    test('spXY getter should return a SizedBox with specified width and height', () {
      final spacerXYGetter = 40.spXY;
      expect(spacerXYGetter.width, equals(40.0));
      expect(spacerXYGetter.height, equals(40.0));

  group('CustomCardExtension', () {
    test('radius should return a Card widget with specified properties', () {
      final Card roundedCard = 16.radius(
        child: const Text('Test'),
        elevation: 4,
        color: Colors.blue,
        strokeColor: Colors.black,
        shadowColor: Colors.grey,
      ) as Card;

      expect(roundedCard.elevation, equals(4));
      expect(roundedCard.color, equals(Colors.blue));
      expect(roundedCard.shadowColor, equals(Colors.grey));

  group('PathExtension', () {
    test('p function should apply function to number and return result', () {
      final result = 16.p((n) => n * 2);
      expect(result, equals(32.0));

  group('TextExtension', () {
    test('edit function should return a Text widget with specified properties', () {
      final textWidget = 'Hello'.edit(textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20), textAlign: TextAlign.center);
      expect(textWidget.data, equals('Hello'));
      expect(textWidget.style!.fontSize, equals(20));
      expect(textWidget.textAlign, equals(TextAlign.center));

  group('CustomImageExtension', () {
    test('img function should return an Image widget with specified properties', () {
      final imageWidget = 'assets/image.png'.img(width: 100, height: 100, fit: BoxFit.cover);
      expect(imageWidget.width, equals(100.0));
      expect(imageWidget.height, equals(100.0));

    test('circleImage function should return a Container widget with circular image decoration', () {
      final circleImageContainer = 'assets/avatar.png'.circleImage(fit: BoxFit.cover, opacity: 0.8);
      //expect(circleImageContainer.decoration!.shape, equals(BoxShape.circle));

  group('Conditional Function', () {
    test('condition function should return correct value based on condition', () {
      final result = condition(true, 'True Value', 'False Value');
      expect(result, equals('True Value'));

    test('conditionFunction should invoke correct function based on condition', () {
      final result = conditionFunction(true, () => 'True Value', () => 'False Value');
      expect(result, equals('True Value'));

  group('Get Function', () {
    test('get function should return correct value based on key and default value', () {
      final result = get('Existing Value', 'Default Value');
      expect(result, equals('Existing Value'));

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Screenshots #

(None applicable in this current release)

Contributing #

Contributions to the extensionresoft library are welcome! If you have any ideas for new extensions or improvements to existing ones, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



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Boost your Flutter development with reusable widgets, utilities, and extensions for advanced image handling, secure PIN entry, internet connectivity checks, storage management, and more.

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#extensions #image #connectivity #pin-entry #productivity


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


cached_network_image, connectivity_plus, equatable, flutter, logger, rxdart, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on extensionresoft