extension 0.6.0
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Package including lot helpers for easy developing on dart language

Package including lot helpers for easy developing on dart language.
Key Features • Getting Started
Key Features #
- Small weight
- Simple usage
- Many entities
Getting Started #
import 'package:extension/extension.dart';
String #
// Capitalize first letter
'test'.capitalizeFirstLetter(); // return Test
// Check is email
'user@example.com'.isEmail; // return true
'qwerty'.isEmail; // return false
// Pluralize and singularize
pluralize(1, 'дом', 'дома', 'домов'); // returns дом
pluralize(2, 'дом', 'дома', 'домов'); // returns дома
pluralize(5, 'дом', 'дома', 'домов'); // returns домов
Date #
// Returns a [DateTime] with the date of the original
DateTime(2017, 3, 6, 12, 30, 15).dateOnly; // DateTime(2017, 3, 6)
// Is today
DateTime.now().isToday; // return bool
// Is yesterday
DateTime.now().isYesterday; // return bool
// Is yesterday
DateTime.now().isTomorrow; // return bool
/// The day after this [DateTime]
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).nextDay; // return DateTime(2017, 3, 6)
/// The day previous this [DateTime]
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).previousDay; // return DateTime(2017, 3, 4)
// First day of month
DateTime(2018, 9, 30).firstDayOfMonth; // returns DateTime(2018, 9, 1)
// Last day of month
DateTime(2017, 3).lastDayOfMonth; // DateTime(2017, 3, 31)
// All days in month, DateTime array
DateTime(2017, 3).daysInMonth; // [DateTime(2017, 3, 1), DateTime(2017, 3, 2), ...]
// Whether or not two times are on the same day.
DateTime.now().isSameDay(DateTime.now()); // returns true
// Whether or not two times are on the same week.
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).isSameWeek(DateTime(2017, 3, 6));
/// Tomorrow at same hour / minute / second than now
/// Yesterday at same hour / minute / second than now
/// Current date (Same as [Date.now])
// Returns a [DateTime] for each day the given range.
DateExtension.daysInRange(startDate, endDate); // List of dates
/// Other methods
final time = Time(15, 30);
final nowTime = DateTime.now().time; // returns Time
And... all api reference available here