extended_text_field 16.0.2
extended_text_field: ^16.0.2 copied to clipboard
Extended official text field to build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc quickly.It also support to build custom seleciton toolbar and handles.
extended_text_field #
Language: English | 中文简体
Extended official text field to build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc quickly.It also support to build custom seleciton toolbar and handles.
Web demo for ExtendedTextField
ExtendedTextField is a third-party extension library for Flutter's official TextField component. The main extended features are as follows:
Feature | ExtendedTextField | TextField |
Inline images and text mixture | Supported, allows displaying inline images and mixed text | Only supports displaying text, but have issues with text selection |
Copying the actual value | Supported, enables copying the actual value of the text | Not supported |
Quick construction of rich text | Supported, enables quick construction of rich text based on text format | Not supported |
is supported. Please use the latest version which containsohos
tag. You can check it inVersions
extended_text_field: 11.0.1-ohos
Please note that the translation provided above is based on the information you provided in the original text.
Limitation #
Not support: it won't handle special text when TextDirection.rtl.
Image position calculated by TextPainter is strange.
Not support:it won't handle special text when obscureText is true.
Special Text #
Create Special Text #
extended text helps to convert your text to special textSpan quickly.
for example, follwing code show how to create @xxxx special textSpan.
class AtText extends SpecialText {
static const String flag = "@";
final int start;
/// whether show background for @somebody
final bool showAtBackground;
AtText(TextStyle textStyle, SpecialTextGestureTapCallback onTap,
{this.showAtBackground: false, this.start})
: super(
" ",
InlineSpan finishText() {
TextStyle textStyle =
this.textStyle?.copyWith(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 16.0);
final String atText = toString();
return showAtBackground
? BackgroundTextSpan(
background: Paint()..color = Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.15),
text: atText,
actualText: atText,
start: start,
///caret can move into special text
deleteAll: true,
style: textStyle,
recognizer: (TapGestureRecognizer()
..onTap = () {
if (onTap != null) onTap(atText);
: SpecialTextSpan(
text: atText,
actualText: atText,
start: start,
style: textStyle,
recognizer: (TapGestureRecognizer()
..onTap = () {
if (onTap != null) onTap(atText);
SpecialTextSpanBuilder #
create your SpecialTextSpanBuilder
class MySpecialTextSpanBuilder extends SpecialTextSpanBuilder {
/// whether show background for @somebody
final bool showAtBackground;
final BuilderType type;
{this.showAtBackground: false, this.type: BuilderType.extendedText});
TextSpan build(String data, {TextStyle textStyle, onTap}) {
var textSpan = super.build(data, textStyle: textStyle, onTap: onTap);
return textSpan;
SpecialText createSpecialText(String flag,
{TextStyle textStyle, SpecialTextGestureTapCallback onTap, int index}) {
if (flag == null || flag == "") return null;
///index is end index of start flag, so text start index should be index-(flag.length-1)
if (isStart(flag, AtText.flag)) {
return AtText(textStyle, onTap,
start: index - (AtText.flag.length - 1),
showAtBackground: showAtBackground,
type: type);
} else if (isStart(flag, EmojiText.flag)) {
return EmojiText(textStyle, start: index - (EmojiText.flag.length - 1));
} else if (isStart(flag, DollarText.flag)) {
return DollarText(textStyle, onTap,
start: index - (DollarText.flag.length - 1), type: type);
return null;
Image #
ImageSpan #
show inline image by using ImageSpan.
ImageProvider image, {
Key key,
@required double imageWidth,
@required double imageHeight,
EdgeInsets margin,
int start: 0,
ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment = ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom,
String actualText,
TextBaseline baseline,
TextStyle style,
BoxFit fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder,
ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder,
String semanticLabel,
bool excludeFromSemantics = false,
Color color,
BlendMode colorBlendMode,
AlignmentGeometry imageAlignment = Alignment.center,
ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
Rect centerSlice,
bool matchTextDirection = false,
bool gaplessPlayback = false,
FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low,
imageWidth: size,
imageHeight: size,
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 2.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 2.0));
parameter | description | default |
image | The image to display(ImageProvider). | - |
imageWidth | The width of image(not include margin) | required |
imageHeight | The height of image(not include margin) | required |
margin | The margin of image | - |
actualText | Actual text, take care of it when enable selection,something likes "[love]" | '\uFFFC' |
start | Start index of text,take care of it when enable selection. | 0 |
Cache Image #
if you want cache the network image, you can use ExtendedNetworkImageProvider and clear them with clearDiskCachedImages
import extended_image_library
extended_image_library: ^0.1.4
this.url, {
this.scale = 1.0,
this.cache: false,
this.retries = 3,
this.timeRetry = const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
CancellationToken cancelToken,
}) : assert(url != null),
assert(scale != null),
cancelToken = cancelToken ?? CancellationToken();
parameter | description | default |
url | The URL from which the image will be fetched. | required |
scale | The scale to place in the [ImageInfo] object of the image. | 1.0 |
headers | The HTTP headers that will be used with [HttpClient.get] to fetch image from network. | - |
cache | whether cache image to local | false |
retries | the time to retry to request | 3 |
timeLimit | time limit to request image | - |
timeRetry | the time duration to retry to request | milliseconds: 100 |
cancelToken | token to cancel network request | CancellationToken() |
/// Clear the disk cache directory then return if it succeed.
/// <param name="duration">timespan to compute whether file has expired or not</param>
Future<bool> clearDiskCachedImages({Duration duration}) async
TextSelectionControls #
override [ExtendedTextField.extendedContextMenuBuilder] and [TextSelectionControls] to custom your toolbar widget or handle widget
const double _kHandleSize = 22.0;
/// Android Material styled text selection controls.
class MyTextSelectionControls extends TextSelectionControls
with TextSelectionHandleControls {
static Widget defaultContextMenuBuilder(
BuildContext context, ExtendedEditableTextState editableTextState) {
return AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.buttonItems(
buttonItems: <ContextMenuButtonItem>[
onPressed: () {
.copyWith(selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 0));
type: ContextMenuButtonType.custom,
label: 'like',
anchors: editableTextState.contextMenuAnchors,
// return AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.editableText(
// editableTextState: editableTextState,
// );
/// Returns the size of the Material handle.
Size getHandleSize(double textLineHeight) =>
const Size(_kHandleSize, _kHandleSize);
/// Builder for material-style text selection handles.
Widget buildHandle(
BuildContext context, TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight,
[VoidCallback? onTap, double? startGlyphHeight, double? endGlyphHeight]) {
final Widget handle = SizedBox(
width: _kHandleSize,
height: _kHandleSize,
child: Image.asset(
// [handle] is a circle, with a rectangle in the top left quadrant of that
// circle (an onion pointing to 10:30). We rotate [handle] to point
// straight up or up-right depending on the handle type.
switch (type) {
case TextSelectionHandleType.left: // points up-right
return Transform.rotate(
angle: math.pi / 4.0,
child: handle,
case TextSelectionHandleType.right: // points up-left
return Transform.rotate(
angle: -math.pi / 4.0,
child: handle,
case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed: // points up
return handle;
/// Gets anchor for material-style text selection handles.
/// See [TextSelectionControls.getHandleAnchor].
Offset getHandleAnchor(TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight,
[double? startGlyphHeight, double? endGlyphHeight]) {
switch (type) {
case TextSelectionHandleType.left:
return const Offset(_kHandleSize, 0);
case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
return Offset.zero;
return const Offset(_kHandleSize / 2, -4);
bool canSelectAll(TextSelectionDelegate delegate) {
// Android allows SelectAll when selection is not collapsed, unless
// everything has already been selected.
final TextEditingValue value = delegate.textEditingValue;
return delegate.selectAllEnabled &&
value.text.isNotEmpty &&
!(value.selection.start == 0 &&
value.selection.end == value.text.length);
WidgetSpan #
support to select and hitTest ExtendedWidgetSpan, you can create any widget in ExtendedTextField.
class EmailText extends SpecialText {
final TextEditingController controller;
final int start;
final BuildContext context;
EmailText(TextStyle textStyle, SpecialTextGestureTapCallback onTap,
{this.start, this.controller, this.context, String startFlag})
: super(startFlag, " ", textStyle, onTap: onTap);
bool isEnd(String value) {
var index = value.indexOf("@");
var index1 = value.indexOf(".");
return index >= 0 &&
index1 >= 0 &&
index1 > index + 1 &&
InlineSpan finishText() {
final String text = toString();
return ExtendedWidgetSpan(
actualText: text,
start: start,
alignment: ui.PlaceholderAlignment.middle,
child: GestureDetector(
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 5.0, top: 2.0, bottom: 2.0),
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)),
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
color: Colors.orange,
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: <Widget>[
//style: textStyle?.copyWith(color: Colors.orange),
width: 5.0,
child: Icon(
size: 15.0,
onTap: () {
controller.value = controller.value.copyWith(
text: controller.text
.replaceRange(start, start + text.length, ""),
selection: TextSelection.fromPosition(
TextPosition(offset: start)));
onTap: () {
context: context,
barrierDismissible: true,
builder: (c) {
TextEditingController textEditingController =
TextEditingController()..text = text.trim();
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: Container(),
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: TextField(
controller: textEditingController,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: FlatButton(
child: Text("OK"),
onPressed: () {
controller.value = controller.value.copyWith(
text: controller.text.replaceRange(
start + text.length,
textEditingController.text + " "),
selection: TextSelection.fromPosition(
offset: start +
(textEditingController.text + " ")
child: Container(),
deleteAll: true,
NoSystemKeyboard #
support to prevent system keyboard show without any code intrusion for [ExtendedTextField] or [TextField].
TextInputBindingMixin #
we prevent system keyboard show by stop Flutter Framework send TextInput.show
message to Flutter Engine.
you can use [TextInputBinding] directly.
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
or if you have other binding
you can do as following.
class YourBinding extends WidgetsFlutterBinding with TextInputBindingMixin,YourBindingMixin {
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
or you need to override ignoreTextInputShow
, you can do as following.
class YourBinding extends TextInputBinding {
// ignore: unnecessary_overrides
bool ignoreTextInputShow() {
// you can override it base on your case
// if NoKeyboardFocusNode is not enough
return super.ignoreTextInputShow();
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
TextInputFocusNode #
you should pass the [TextInputFocusNode] into [ExtendedTextField] or [TextField].
final TextInputFocusNode _focusNode = TextInputFocusNode();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ExtendedTextField(
// request keyboard if need
focusNode: _focusNode..debugLabel = 'ExtendedTextField',
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextField(
// request keyboard if need
focusNode: _focusNode..debugLabel = 'CustomTextField',
we prevent system keyboard show base on current focus is [TextInputFocusNode] and ignoreSystemKeyboardShow
is true。
final FocusNode? focus = FocusManager.instance.primaryFocus;
if (focus != null &&
focus is TextInputFocusNode &&
focus.ignoreSystemKeyboardShow) {
return true;
### CustomKeyboard
show/hide your custom keyboard on [TextInputFocusNode] focus is changed.
if your custom keyboard can be close without unFocus, you need also handle
show custom keyboard when [ExtendedTextField] or [TextField] `onTap`.
``` dart
void initState() {
void _onTextFiledTap() {
if (_bottomSheetController == null) {
void _handleFocusChanged() {
if (_focusNode.hasFocus) {
// just demo, you can define your custom keyboard as you want
_bottomSheetController = showBottomSheet<void>(
context: FocusManager.instance.primaryFocus!.context!,
// set false, if don't want to drag to close custom keyboard
enableDrag: true,
builder: (BuildContext b) {
// your custom keyboard
return Container();
// maybe drag close
_bottomSheetController?.closed.whenComplete(() {
_bottomSheetController = null;
} else {
_bottomSheetController = null;
void dispose() {
see Full Demo