extended_text 0.5.7 copy "extended_text: ^0.5.7" to clipboard
extended_text: ^0.5.7 copied to clipboard


extended official text to quickly build special text like inline image or @somebody,it also provide custom background,custom over flow.

extended_text #

pub package

Language: English | 中文简体

A powerful extended official text for Dart, which supports Speical Text(Image,@somebody), Custom Background, Custom overFlow, Text Selection.

Table of contents #

Speical Text #

Create Speical Text #

extended text helps to convert your text to speical textSpan quickly.

for example, follwing code show how to create @xxxx speical textSpan.

class AtText extends SpecialText {
  static const String flag = "@";
  final int start;

  /// whether show background for @somebody
  final bool showAtBackground;

  final BuilderType type;
  AtText(TextStyle textStyle, SpecialTextGestureTapCallback onTap,
      {this.showAtBackground: false, this.type, this.start})
      : super(flag, " ", textStyle, onTap: onTap);

  TextSpan finishText() {
    TextStyle textStyle =
        this.textStyle?.copyWith(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 16.0);

    final String atText = toString();

    return showAtBackground
        ? BackgroundTextSpan(
            background: Paint()..color = Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.15),
            text: atText,
            actualText: atText,
            start: start,

            ///caret can move into special text
            deleteAll: true,
            style: textStyle,
            recognizer: type == BuilderType.extendedText
                ? (TapGestureRecognizer()
                  ..onTap = () {
                    if (onTap != null) onTap(atText);
                : null)
        : SpecialTextSpan(
            text: atText,
            actualText: atText,
            start: start,
            style: textStyle,
            recognizer: type == BuilderType.extendedText
                ? (TapGestureRecognizer()
                  ..onTap = () {
                    if (onTap != null) onTap(atText);
                : null);

SpecialTextSpanBuilder #

create your SpecialTextSpanBuilder

class MySpecialTextSpanBuilder extends SpecialTextSpanBuilder {
  /// whether show background for @somebody
  final bool showAtBackground;
  final BuilderType type;
      {this.showAtBackground: false, this.type: BuilderType.extendedText});

  TextSpan build(String data, {TextStyle textStyle, onTap}) {
    var textSpan = super.build(data, textStyle: textStyle, onTap: onTap);
    return textSpan;

  SpecialText createSpecialText(String flag,
      {TextStyle textStyle, SpecialTextGestureTapCallback onTap, int index}) {
    if (flag == null || flag == "") return null;

    ///index is end index of start flag, so text start index should be index-(flag.length-1)
    if (isStart(flag, AtText.flag)) {
      return AtText(textStyle, onTap,
          start: index - (AtText.flag.length - 1),
          showAtBackground: showAtBackground,
          type: type);
    } else if (isStart(flag, EmojiText.flag)) {
      return EmojiText(textStyle, start: index - (EmojiText.flag.length - 1));
    } else if (isStart(flag, DollarText.flag)) {
      return DollarText(textStyle, onTap,
          start: index - (DollarText.flag.length - 1), type: type);
    return null;

more detail

Image #

ImageSpan #

show image in text by using ImageSpan

  this.image, {
  @required this.imageWidth,
  @required this.imageHeight,
  this.fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
  String actualText: imageSpanTransparentPlaceholder,
  int start: 0,
  this.clearMemoryCacheIfFailed: true,
  GestureRecognizer recognizer,

        imageWidth: size,
        imageHeight: size,
        margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 2.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 2.0));
parameter description default
image The image to display(ImageProvider). -
imageWidth The width of image(not include margin) required
imageHeight The height of image(not include margin) required
margin The margin of image -
beforePaintImage You can paint your placeholder or clip etc if needed -
afterPaintImage You can paint border,shadow etc if needed -
fit BoxFit BoxFit.scaleDown
actualText Actual text, take care of it when enable selection,something likes "[love]" "\u200B"
start Start index of text,take care of it when enable selection. 0
clearMemoryCacheIfFailed When failed to load image, whether clear memory cache,if ture, image will reload in next time. true
recognizer A gesture recognizer that will receive events that hit this text span. -

Cache Image #

if you want cache the network image, you can use ExtendedNetworkImageProvider and clear them with clearDiskCachedImages

  this.url, {
  this.scale = 1.0,
  this.cache: false,
  this.retries = 3,
  this.timeRetry = const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
  CancellationToken cancelToken,
})  : assert(url != null),
      assert(scale != null),
      cancelToken = cancelToken ?? CancellationToken();
parameter description default
url The URL from which the image will be fetched. required
scale The scale to place in the [ImageInfo] object of the image. 1.0
headers The HTTP headers that will be used with [HttpClient.get] to fetch image from network. -
cache whether cache image to local false
retries the time to retry to request 3
timeLimit time limit to request image -
timeRetry the time duration to retry to request milliseconds: 100
cancelToken token to cancel network request CancellationToken()
/// Clear the disk cache directory then return if it succeed.
///  <param name="duration">timespan to compute whether file has expired or not</param>
Future<bool> clearDiskCachedImages({Duration duration}) async

more detail

Selection #

parameter description default
selectionEnabled Whether enable selection false
selectionColor Color of selection Theme.of(context).textSelectionColor
dragStartBehavior DragStartBehavior for text selection DragStartBehavior.start
textSelectionControls An interface for building the selection UI, to be provided by the implementor of the toolbar widget or handle widget extendedMaterialTextSelectionControls/extendedCupertinoTextSelectionControls

TextSelectionControls #

default value of textSelectionControls are extendedMaterialTextSelectionControls/extendedCupertinoTextSelectionControls

override buildToolbar or buildHandle to custom your toolbar widget or handle widget

class MyExtendedMaterialTextSelectionControls
    extends ExtendedMaterialTextSelectionControls {
  Widget buildToolbar(BuildContext context, Rect globalEditableRegion,
      Offset position, TextSelectionDelegate delegate) {
    return ConstrainedBox(
      constraints: BoxConstraints.tight(globalEditableRegion.size),
      child: CustomSingleChildLayout(
        delegate: ExtendedTextSelectionToolbarLayout(
        child: _TextSelectionToolbar(
          handleCopy: canCopy(delegate) ? () => handleCopy(delegate) : null,
              canSelectAll(delegate) ? () => handleSelectAll(delegate) : null,
          handleLike: () {
            //mailto:<email address>?subject=<subject>&body=<body>, e.g.

/// Manages a copy/paste text selection toolbar.
class _TextSelectionToolbar extends StatelessWidget {
  const _TextSelectionToolbar(
      {Key key, this.handleCopy, this.handleSelectAll, this.handleLike})
      : super(key: key);

  final VoidCallback handleCopy;
  final VoidCallback handleSelectAll;
  final VoidCallback handleLike;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final List<Widget> items = <Widget>[];
    final MaterialLocalizations localizations =

    if (handleCopy != null)
          child: Text(localizations.copyButtonLabel), onPressed: handleCopy));
    if (handleSelectAll != null)
          child: Text(localizations.selectAllButtonLabel),
          onPressed: handleSelectAll));
    if (handleLike != null)
      items.add(FlatButton(child: Icon(Icons.favorite), onPressed: handleLike));

    return Material(
      elevation: 1.0,
      child: Container(
        height: 44.0,
        child: Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: items),

Control ToolBar Handle #

contain your page into ExtendedTextSelectionPointerHandler, so you can control toolbar and handle.

Default Behavior

set your page as child of ExtendedTextSelectionPointerHandler

 return ExtendedTextSelectionPointerHandler(
      //default behavior
       child: result,
  • tap region outside of extended text, hide toolbar and handle
  • scorll, hide toolbar and handle

Custom Behavior

get selectionStates(ExtendedTextSelectionState) by builder call back, and handle by your self.

 return ExtendedTextSelectionPointerHandler(
      //default behavior
      // child: result,
      //custom your behavior
      builder: (states) {
        return Listener(
          child: result,
          behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
          onPointerDown: (value) {
            for (var state in states) {
              if (!state.containsPosition(value.position)) {
                //clear other selection
          onPointerMove: (value) {
            //clear other selection
            for (var state in states) {

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Custom Background #

refer to issues 24335/24337 about background

          "This text has nice background with borderradius,no mattter how many line,it likes nice",
      background: Paint()..color = Colors.indigo,
      clipBorderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(3.0))),
parameter description default
background Background painter -
clipBorderRadius Clip BorderRadius -
paintBackground Paint background call back, you can paint background by self -

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Custom Overflow #

refer to issue 26748

parameter description default
background Background to cover up the original text under [OverFlowTextSpan] -
      overFlowTextSpan: OverFlowTextSpan(children: <TextSpan>[
              TextSpan(text: '  \u2026  '),
                  text: "more detail",
                  style: TextStyle(
                    color: Colors.blue,
                  recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()
                    ..onTap = () {
            ], background: Theme.of(context).canvasColor),

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extended official text to quickly build special text like inline image or @somebody,it also provide custom background,custom over flow.

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extended_image_library, extended_text_library, flutter


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