extended_http 1.3.12 copy "extended_http: ^1.3.12" to clipboard
extended_http: ^1.3.12 copied to clipboard

Extends HTTP package to provide cache, store user credential, predefined authorization workflow, set custom request headers, beautiful logs and easy debugging with request debugId

Changelog #

[1.3.12] - Feb 21, 2024 #

  • Update sendFile method (params and return type)
  • Update dependencies version

[1.2.12] - May 12, 2023 #

  • Change type of json in JsonResponse to dynamic since it may be Map or List

[1.2.11] - May 11, 2023 #

  • Add useIsolate = false to sendJsonRequest to optionally switch between using compute or not.

[1.2.10] - Apr 19, 2023 #

  • Add sendJsonRequest method which is included json encode and decode
  • Add enableAuthLock option, if true the requests will be paused while onUnauthorized running.

[1.1.10] - Mar 27, 2023 #

  • Fix debugId send error
  • Update test cases

[1.1.8] - Mar 23, 2023 #

  • Add option sendDebugId to specify whether send the debugId to server or not.
  • When set CachePolicy.networkFirst, only return cached response when the request failed due to server error (statusCode >= 500)

[1.1.6] - Mar 20, 2023 #

  • Clear auth data by calling setAuthData(null)

[1.1.5] - Mar 17, 2023 #

  • Improve ensureInitialized()

[1.1.4] - Mar 17, 2023 #

  • Add ensureInitialized(), await it before access authData

[1.1.3] - Mar 17, 2023 #

  • Fix missing package
  • Set default debugId

[1.1.2] - Mar 17, 2023 #

  • Support upload file, example

    final file = createFileFromBytes(
      bytes: bytes,
      filename: filename,
      mimeType: MimeType('image', 'jpg'),
    final uri = createURI('/api/upload');
    sendFile(uri, [file]);

[1.0.2] - Mar 15, 2023 #

  • Update package description

[1.0.1] - Mar 15, 2023 #

  • Support custom config on each path, example

        overrideConfig: HttpOptionalConfig(
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

[1.0.0] - Mar 15, 2023 #

  • New CachePolicy with 3 options:

    • NetworkFirst Fetch data from network, if failed, fetch from cache.
    • CacheFirst Fetch data from cache, if not existed, fetch from network.
    • NoCache Only fetch data from network. Never store data in cache.
  • Support multiple instances for multiple API domains, example:

    • ExtendedHttp() => get/set for default instance
    • ExtendedHttp("domain1") => get/set for instance of domain1
    • ExtendedHttp("domain2") => get/set for instance of domain2
  • Add debugId to easy filter out relevant logs when debugging, example

      debugId: '123',
  • Add authData for easy saving user credential, it can be used to store token or current user data.

    • Setter: setAuthData(Map<String, dynamic> data)
    • Getter: authData
    • Method of onUnauthorized now also have authData as parameter.
  • Add getter headers to get current headers and setter setHeaders

[0.3.5] - Feb 15, 2023 #

  • Fix log error when response body is null

[0.3.4] - Oct 25, 2022 #

Improve logging with color and added new log options

  • logURL
  • logRequestHeaders
  • logRespondHeaders
  • logRespondBody

[0.2.4] - Oct 25, 2022 #

Expose onError method so you can define your own logic there

[0.1.4] - Oct 21, 2022 #

Expose shouldRetry method so you can define your own logic there

[0.0.4] - Oct 21, 2022 #

Improve config headers to add new values instead of replace all.

From now, when calling config(headers: {new-headers})

  • matched headers will be overwritten
  • while others headers will be kept

[0.0.3] - Oct 5, 2022 #

Remove import dart:io

[0.0.2] - Oct 5, 2022 #

Update package description

[0.0.1] - Oct 5, 2022 #

Splitted from remote_data_provider

Support API response caching and custom authorization headers

pub points


verified publisherbesoft.vn

Extends HTTP package to provide cache, store user credential, predefined authorization workflow, set custom request headers, beautiful logs and easy debugging with request debugId

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, hive, hive_flutter, http, http_parser


Packages that depend on extended_http