expansion_datagrid 1.0.4 expansion_datagrid: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
Like most grids, Expansion Datagrid gives users the ability to sort, filter their data, group data and display additional data in the expanded panel.
import 'package:expansion_datagrid/expansion_datagrid.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
final testData = [
{'name': 'ORG1', 'since_date': '2021-08-02', 'start_date': '2021-08-03', 'end_date': '2021-08-04', 'is_active': true},
'name': 'ORG2',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': false
{'name': 'ORG3', 'since_date': '2021-08-02', 'start_date': '2021-08-03', 'end_date': '2021-08-04', 'is_active': true},
{'name': 'ORG4', 'since_date': '2020-02-01', 'start_date': '2021-08-04', 'end_date': '2021-08-05', 'is_active': true},
'name': 'ORG5',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
{'name': 'ORG6', 'since_date': '2020-02-01', 'start_date': '2021-08-04', 'end_date': '2021-08-05', 'is_active': true},
'name': 'ORG7',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
{'name': 'ORG8', 'since_date': '2020-02-01', 'start_date': '2021-08-04', 'end_date': '2021-08-05', 'is_active': true},
'name': 'ORG9',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
'name': 'ORG10',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG11',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG12',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': false
'name': 'ORG13',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG14',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG15',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
'name': 'ORG16',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG17',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
'name': 'ORG18',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': true
'name': 'ORG19',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': false
'name': 'ORG20',
'since_date': '2020-02-01',
'start_date': '2021-08-04',
'end_date': '2021-08-05',
'is_active': true
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter DataGrid',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
dataTableTheme: DataGridThemeData(
headingAlignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
headingRowColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.grey),
headingTextStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
dataRowColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(const Color(0xFFFBFBFD)),
dataTextStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black54, fontSize: 14),
dividerThickness: 1,
headingRowHeight: 50,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Color(0xff3f5767),
border: Border(
bottom: BorderSide(color: Colors.black12),
home: Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: TestDataGrid().setHeaders(getHeaders()).setData(testData),
List<Header> getHeaders() => [
Header('Name', 'name', 4),
Header('Since', 'since_date', 2, width: 450, format: 'date'),
Header('Start Date', 'start_date', 2, width: 800, format: 'date'),
Header('End Date', 'end_date', 2, width: 800, format: 'date'),
Header('Status', 'is_active', 2, width: 300, format: 'status'),
class TestDataGrid extends ExpansionDataGrid {
final editFields = [
FieldInfo('name', title: 'Name', required: true),
FieldInfo('since_date', title: 'Since', format: 'date'),
FieldInfo('start_date', title: 'Start Date', format: 'date'),
FieldInfo('end_date', title: 'End Date', format: 'date'),
FieldInfo('is_active', title: 'Status', format: 'status')
TestDataGrid({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Alignment getRowAlignment(Header header) => (header.format == 'status') ? Alignment.center : Alignment.centerLeft;
String getRowValue(dynamic val, RowItem rowItem, String? format) {
switch (format) {
case 'status':
return val == true ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';
return super.getRowValue(val, rowItem, format);
Widget getRowComponent(BuildContext context, dynamic val, RowItem rowItem, Header header) {
if (header.dataField != 'name') {
return super.getRowComponent(context, val, rowItem, header);
return MouseRegion(
cursor: SystemMouseCursors.click,
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {},
child: Text(getRowValue(val, rowItem, header.format),
style: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.blue,
decoration: TextDecoration.underline,
Widget expandRow(BuildContext context, RowItem rowItem) {
final data = [];
for (var field in editFields) {
return createExpandPanel(context, editFields, data, rowItem,
onDelete: (BuildContext context, RowItem rowItem) => deleteRowItem(rowItem));
Future<void> lazyLoad(void Function(List<dynamic>) callback) async {
final items = [];
final max = data.length + 10;
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
for (int i = data.length + 1; i <= max; i++) {
'name': 'ORG$i',
'since_date': '2021-08-02',
'start_date': '2021-08-03',
'end_date': '2021-08-04',
'is_active': true
Widget getLastHeader(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
return Container(
width: 56,
height: theme.dataTableTheme.headingRowHeight ?? 32,
color: ExpansionDataGrid.getHeadingRowColor(theme),
child: IconButton(
key: const ValueKey<String>('dt_header_add'),
iconSize: 24,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0, right: 16.0),
color: Theme.of(context).dataTableTheme.dataTextStyle?.color,
onPressed: () {
'name': 'Hello',
'since_date': '01/01/2021',
'start_date': '02/02/2021',
'end_date': '03/03/2022',
'is_active': true
icon: const Icon(Icons.add)),
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());