expandable 4.1.0 copy "expandable: ^4.1.0" to clipboard
expandable: ^4.1.0 copied to clipboard


A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on a header or an icon.

[4.1.0] #

  • Added ability to customize the expand icon in the theme.
  • Converted widget properties tapHeaderToExpand, tapBodyToExpand, hasIcon to theme properties.
  • Added tabBodyToExpand theme property.
  • Added theme property bodyAlignment to specify body alignment.
  • Added a third card to the example app that demonstrates a custom icon.

[4.0.2] #

  • Changed the horizontal alignment of the header and the body of ExpandablePanel to stretch.
  • Fixed an exception when no controller is specified in ExpandableNotifier.

[4.0.1] #

  • Updated pubspec.yaml to require the minimum version of Flutter 1.12.0.

[4.0.0] #

  • Introduced ExpandableTheme and ExpandableThemeData.
  • Deprecated widget-level properties that have been moved to the theme.

[3.0.1] #

  • Added iconColor property to ExpandablePanel

[3.0.0+1] - 06/14/2019 #

  • Updated README and example app.

[3.0.0] - 06/13/2019 #

  • Added ShowOnExpand widget.
  • Moved initialExpanded from ExpandablePanel to ExpandableNotifier.
  • Moved animationDuration from Expandable to ExpandableController.
  • Made ExpandableNotifier to be a stateful widget.
  • Made ExpandablePanel a stateless widget.

[2.2.3] - 06/13/2019 #

  • Added the optional crossFadePoint parameter.

[2.2.2] - 06/09/2019 #

  • Disabled the iconColor parameter until version 1.7.3 is published to stable.

[2.2.1] - 06/09/2019 #

  • Added the optional iconColor parameter to ExpandablePanel.

[2.2.0] - 06/06/2019 #

  • Added the optional headerAlignment parameter to ExpandablePanel.

[2.1.1] - 04/17/2019 #

  • Added the optional key parameter to Expandable and ExpandablePanel.

[2.1.0] - 04/5/2019 #

  • ExpandablePanel does not lose its state if its parent is rebuilt.
  • Example file is moved to example folder for ease of running it.

[2.0.0] - 02/14/2019 #

  • Eliminated the dependency on ScopedModel.
  • Introduced ExpandableNotifier and ExpandableController.
  • This is a breaking change. See README.md for details on migration from 1.x to 2.0.

[1.1.0] - 02/01/2019 #

  • Added ExpandablePanel, a configurable expandable widget with optional header and icon.

[1.0.0] - 01/29/2019 #

  • Initial release.
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A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on a header or an icon.

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unknown (license)




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