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A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on a header or an icon.

Expandable #

A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by the user.

Introduction #

This library helps implement expandable behavior as prescribed by Material Design:

animated image

Expandable should not be confused with ExpansionPanel. ExpansionPanel, which is a part of Flutter material library, is designed to work only within ExpansionPanelList and cannot be used for making other widgets, for example, expandable Card widgets.

Usage #

The easiest way to make an expandable widget is to use ExpandablePanel:

class ArticleWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final Article article;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ExpandablePanel(
      header: Text(article.title),
      collapsed: Text(article.body, softWrap: true, maxLines: 2, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,),
      expanded: Text(article.body, softWrap: true, ),
      tapHeaderToExpand: true,
      hasIcon: true,

ExpandablePanel has a number of properties to customize its behavior, but it's restricted by having a title at the top and an expand icon shown as a down arrow (on the right or on the left). If that's not enough, you can implement custom expandable widgets by using a combination of Expandable, ExpandableNotifier, and ExpandableButton:

class EventPhotos extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ExpandableNotifier(  // <-- Provides ExpandableController to its children
      child: Column(
        children: [
          Expandable(           // <-- Driven by ExpandableController from ExpandableNotifier
            collapsed: ExpandableButton(  // <-- Expands when tapped on the cover photo
              child: buildCoverPhoto(),
            expanded: Column(  
              children: [
                ExpandableButton(       // <-- Collapses when tapped on
                  child: Text("Back"),

Automatic Scrolling #

Expandable widgets are often used within a scroll view. When the user expands a widget, be it an ExpandablePanel or an Expandable with a custom control, they expect the expanded widget to fit within the viewable area (if possible). For example, if you show a list of articles with a summary of each article, and the user expands an article to read it, they expect the expanded article to occupy as much screen space as possible. The Expandable package contains a widget to help implement this behavior, ScrollOnExpand. Here's how to use it:

   ExpandableNotifier(      // <-- This is where your controller lives
     ScrollOnExpand(        // <-- Wraps the widget to scroll
        ExpandablePanel(    // <-- Your Expandable or ExpandablePanel

Why a separate widget, you might ask? Because generally you might want to to show not just the expanded widget but its container, for example a Card that contains it. See the example app for more details on the usage of ScrollOnExpand.

Migration #

If you have migration issues from a previous version, read the Migration Guide.

pub points


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A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on a header or an icon.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




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