eventstore_client 0.7.1 copy "eventstore_client: ^0.7.1" to clipboard
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A community developed gRPC client library for EventStoreDB. EventStoreDB is an open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing capabilities.


Client examples #

These code examples are best practice usage of the client

Connecting to EventStoreDB #

The preferred way of configuring a client is by using a connection string. In most cases, you would need to configure a secure connection. The following example show how to create a EventStoreStreamsClient with a connection string:

final settings = EventStoreClientSettings.parse('{connectionString}');
final streamsClient = EventStoreStreamsClient(settings);

The same pattern applies for all clients. These are examples of connection strings that all Dart clients support:

// Single node
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://localhost"); // with hostname only
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://localhost:2113"); // with hostname and port
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://user:pass@localhost:2113"); // with username and password
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://user:pass@localhost:2113/"); // extra forward slash also works
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://user:pass@localhost:2113?tlsVerifyCert=false"); // disables server certificate validation
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://user:pass@localhost:2113?tls=false"); // connects over http instead of https

// Cluster
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://host1,host2,host3"); // with hostnames only
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://host1:1234,host2:4321,host3:3231"); // with hostnames and port
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://user:pass@host1:1234,host2:4321,host3:3231?nodePreference=follower"); // with username and password
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://host1,host2,host3?tls=false"); // connects over http instead of https
EventStoreClientSettings.parse("esdb://host1,host2,host3?tlsVerifyCert=false"); // disables server certificate validation

The following clients are available

See official documentation for more information about connections to EventStoreDB.

Working with Streams #

The EventStoreStreamsClient is the primary client for working with streams in EventStoreDB. The following examples show how you should use it:

Working with Projections #

The EventStoreProjectionsClient is the primary client for working with projections in EventStoreDB. The following example show how you should use it:

  • TDB

Working with Persistent subscriptions #

The EventStorePersistentSubscriptionsClient is the primary client for working with persistent projections in EventStoreDB. The following example show how you should use it:

  • TDB
pub points



A community developed gRPC client library for EventStoreDB. EventStoreDB is an open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing capabilities.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


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BSD-2-Clause (license)


async, collection, fixnum, grpc, logging, meta, path, protobuf, pub_semver, tuple, universal_io, uuid


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