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epub_decoder: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter Package to parse EPUB files (EBooks), with support for Media Overlays!

📖📑 EPUB Parser for Dart 📑📖

Flutter Package to parse EPUB files (EBooks), with support for Media Overlays!

Features #

✅ Read EPUB from bytes
✅ Read EPUB from dart:io file
✅ List metadata: title, authors, language, etc. (with support for EPUB2)
✅ List resources: audio, images, text, etc.
✅ List sections (also commonly named "chapters") in default reading order
✅ Get section audio (if exists)
✅ Get text-audio synchronization info for each section
✅ Get text segment given a time for each section

Work in progress #

  • ❌ Direct getters for relevant attributes (such as title, authors, etc.)
  • ❌ Read navigation definition
  • ❌ Support for bindings

Getting started #

Install epub_decoder as a dependency.

Usage #

Start by instancing an Epub from an Epub file:

import 'package:epub_decoder/epub_decoder.dart';

// Creating an EPUB from an asset transformed to bytes
final epubFile = await rootBundle.load('assets/example.epub');
final epub = Epub.fromBytes(epubFile.buffer.asUint8List());

And then, access its properties:

  • Retrieving Metadata: epub.metadata

    :arrow_lower_right: Expand for example result

    Please note that this is actually a List<Metadata> object (here you are seeing its .toString() representation).

            key: identifier,
            id: pubID,
            value: urn:uuid:8a5d2330-08d6-405b-a359-e6862b48ea4d,
            refinements: [
                    id: null,
                    value: uuid,
                    refinesTo: pubID,
                    property: identifier-type,
                    schema: null,
                    name: null,
                    content: null,
                    refinements: []
            key: title,
            id: title,
            value: [DEMO] How To Create EPUB 3 Read Aloud eBooks,
            refinements: []
            key: creator,
            id: aut,
            value: Alberto Pettarin,
            refinements: [
                    id: null,
                    value: aut,
                    refinesTo: aut,
                    property: role,
                    schema: null,
                    name: null,
                    content: null,
                    refinements: []
                    id: null,
                    value: Pettarin, Alberto,
                    refinesTo: aut,
                    property: file-as,
                    schema: null,
                    name: null,
                    content: null,
                    refinements: []
            id: null,
            value: portrait,
            refinesTo: null,
            property: rendition:orientation,
            schema: null,
            name: null, content: null, refinements: []
            id: null,
            value: 0:00:53.320,
            refinesTo: s001,
            property: media:duration,
            schema: null,
            name: null,
            content: null,
            refinements: []
  • Retrieving resources/items: epub.items

    :arrow_lower_right: Expand for example result

    Please note that this is actually a List<Item> object (here you are seeing its .toString() representation).

            id: toc,
            href: Text/toc.xhtml,
            mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml,
            properties: [ItemProperty.nav],
            mediaOverlay: null,
            refinements: []
            id: cover,
            href: Text/cover.xhtml,
            mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml,
            properties: [],
            mediaOverlay: null,
            refinements: []
            id: c001,
            href: Styles/style.css,
            mediaType: ItemMediaType.css,
            properties: [],
            mediaOverlay: null,
            refinements: []
            id: p001,
            href: Text/p001.xhtml,
            mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml,
            properties: [],
            mediaOverlay: {
                id: s001,
                href: Text/p001.xhtml.smil,
                mediaType: ItemMediaType.mediaOverlay,
                properties: [],
                mediaOverlay: null,
                refinements: [{
                    id: null,
                    value: 0:00:53.320,
                    refinesTo: s001,
                    property: media:duration,
                    schema: null,
                    name: null,
                    content: null,
                    refinements: []
            refinements: []
  • Retrieving reading sections: epub.sections

    :arrow_lower_right: Expand for example result

    Please note that this is actually a List<Section> object (here you are seeing its .toString() representation).

            content: {
                id: cover,
                href: Text/cover.xhtml,
                mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml,
                properties: [],
                mediaOverlay: null,
                refinements: []
            readingOrder: 1,
            audioDuration: null,
            smilParallels: []
            content: {
                id: p001,
                href: Text/p001.xhtml,
                mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml,
                properties: [],
                mediaOverlay: {
                    id: s001,
                    href: Text/p001.xhtml.smil,
                    mediaType: ItemMediaType.mediaOverlay,
                    properties: [],
                    mediaOverlay: null,
                    refinements: [{
                        id: null,
                        value: 0:00:53.320,
                        refinesTo: s001,
                        property: media:duration,
                        schema: null,
                        name: null,
                        content: null,
                        refinements: []
                refinements: []
            readingOrder: 2,
            audioDuration: 0:00:53.320000,
            smilParallels: [
                    id: p000001,
                    clipBegin: 0:00:00.000000,
                    clipEnd: 0:00:02.680000,
                    textFileName: p001.xhtml,
                    textId: f001
                    id: p000002,
                    clipBegin: 0:00:02.680000,
                    clipEnd: 0:00:05.480000,
                    textFileName: p001.xhtml,
                    textId: f002
                    id: p000003,
                    clipBegin: 0:00:05.480000,
                    clipEnd: 0:00:08.640000,
                    textFileName: p001.xhtml,
                    textId: f003
                    id: p000004,
                    clipBegin: 0:00:08.640000,
                    clipEnd: 0:00:11.960000,
                    textFileName: p001.xhtml,
                    textId: f004
  • Retrieving text segment from a certain time

    final section = epub.sections[1];
    final targetTime = Duration(seconds: 10);
    :arrow_lower_right: Expand for example result

    Please note that this is actually a SmilParallel object (here you are seeing its .toString() representation).

        id: p000004,
        clipBegin: 0:00:08.640000,
        clipEnd: 0:00:11.960000,
        textFileName: p001.xhtml,
        textId: f004

Additional information #

To understand EPUB3 specification and therefore plan the structure of this package, the following page was taken as reference: Package and Metadata | EPUB3 Best Practices.

However, you can learn more about in the EPUB3 official specification documentation and EPUB Media Overlays documentation.


If you have any request or find some bug, feel free to open a new issue 😉.


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verified publishersofietorch.me

Flutter Package to parse EPUB files (EBooks), with support for Media Overlays!

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archive, flutter, xml


Packages that depend on epub_decoder