epub_decoder 0.1.4
epub_decoder: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter Package to parse EPUB files (EBooks), with support for Media Overlays!
📑 EPUB Parser for Flutter 📑
Flutter Package to parse EPUB files (EBooks), with support for Media Overlays!
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Features #
✅ Read EPUB from bytes
✅ Read EPUB from dart:io file
✅ List metadata: title, authors, language, etc. (with support for EPUB2)
✅ List resources: audio, images, text, etc.
✅ List sections (also commonly named "chapters") in default reading order
✅ Get section audio (if exists)
✅ Get text-audio synchronization info for each section
✅ Get text segment given a time for each section
Work in progress #
- ❌ Read navigation definition
- ❌ Support for bindings
Getting started #
Install epub_decoder
as a dependency.
Usage #
Start by instancing an Epub from an Epub file:
import 'package:epub_decoder/epub_decoder.dart';
// Creating an EPUB from an asset transformed to bytes
final epubFile = await rootBundle.load('assets/example.epub');
final epub = Epub.fromBytes(epubFile.buffer.asUint8List());
And then, access its properties:
Main info:
. -
Retrieving Metadata:
Expand for example result
Please note that this is actually a
object (here you are seeing its.toString()
representation).[ { key: identifier, id: pubID, value: urn:uuid:8a5d2330-08d6-405b-a359-e6862b48ea4d, refinements: [ { id: null, value: uuid, refinesTo: pubID, property: identifier-type, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] } ] }, { key: title, id: title, value: [DEMO] How To Create EPUB 3 Read Aloud eBooks, refinements: [] }, { key: creator, id: aut, value: Alberto Pettarin, refinements: [ { id: null, value: aut, refinesTo: aut, property: role, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] }, { id: null, value: Pettarin, Alberto, refinesTo: aut, property: file-as, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] } ] }, { id: null, value: portrait, refinesTo: null, property: rendition:orientation, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] }, { id: null, value: 0:00:53.320, refinesTo: s001, property: media:duration, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] } ]
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Retrieving resources/items:
Expand for example result
Please note that this is actually a
object (here you are seeing its.toString()
representation).[ { id: toc, href: Text/toc.xhtml, mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml, properties: [ItemProperty.nav], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [] }, { id: cover, href: Text/cover.xhtml, mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml, properties: [], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [] }, { id: c001, href: Styles/style.css, mediaType: ItemMediaType.css, properties: [], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [] }, { id: p001, href: Text/p001.xhtml, mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml, properties: [], mediaOverlay: { id: s001, href: Text/p001.xhtml.smil, mediaType: ItemMediaType.mediaOverlay, properties: [], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [{ id: null, value: 0:00:53.320, refinesTo: s001, property: media:duration, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] }] }, refinements: [] } ]
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Retrieving reading sections:
Expand for example result
Please note that this is actually a
object (here you are seeing its.toString()
representation).[ { content: { id: cover, href: Text/cover.xhtml, mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml, properties: [], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [] }, readingOrder: 1, audioDuration: null, smilParallels: [] }, { content: { id: p001, href: Text/p001.xhtml, mediaType: ItemMediaType.xhtml, properties: [], mediaOverlay: { id: s001, href: Text/p001.xhtml.smil, mediaType: ItemMediaType.mediaOverlay, properties: [], mediaOverlay: null, refinements: [{ id: null, value: 0:00:53.320, refinesTo: s001, property: media:duration, schema: null, name: null, content: null, refinements: [] }] }, refinements: [] }, readingOrder: 2, audioDuration: 0:00:53.320000, smilParallels: [ { id: p000001, clipBegin: 0:00:00.000000, clipEnd: 0:00:02.680000, textFileName: p001.xhtml, textId: f001 }, { id: p000002, clipBegin: 0:00:02.680000, clipEnd: 0:00:05.480000, textFileName: p001.xhtml, textId: f002 }, { id: p000003, clipBegin: 0:00:05.480000, clipEnd: 0:00:08.640000, textFileName: p001.xhtml, textId: f003 }, { id: p000004, clipBegin: 0:00:08.640000, clipEnd: 0:00:11.960000, textFileName: p001.xhtml, textId: f004 } ] } ]
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Retrieving text segment from a certain time
final section = epub.sections[1]; final targetTime = Duration(seconds: 10); print(section.getParallelAtTime(targetTime)));
copied to clipboardExpand for example result
Please note that this is actually a
object (here you are seeing its.toString()
representation).{ id: p000004, clipBegin: 0:00:08.640000, clipEnd: 0:00:11.960000, textFileName: p001.xhtml, textId: f004 }
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
To understand EPUB3 specification and therefore plan the structure of this package, the following page was taken as reference: Package and Metadata | EPUB3 Best Practices.
However, you can learn more about in the EPUB3 official specification documentation and EPUB Media Overlays documentation.
Contributing #
- If you have any request or find some bug, feel free to open a new issue.
- if you want to contribute, open a new issue with your proposal and if approved, continue with a pull request 😉.