enviroment_flavor 2.0.4 enviroment_flavor: ^2.0.4 copied to clipboard
EnviromentFlavor package.
enviroment_flavor #
Flutter package to manage simple environment variables.
Getting Started #
In your flutter project, add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml
enviroment_flavor: ^2.0.2
Usage #
1. Import #
Import enviroment_flavor
import 'package:enviroment_flavor/enviroment_flavor.dart';
2. Create instance #
Create instance at main file
EnviromentFlavor.create(enviroment: Enviroments.DEV, baseURL: "google.com");
3. Use anywhere #
CustomDio() {
_dio = Dio(
baseUrl: EnviromentConfig.instance.baseURL,
Contact #
Send e-mail: mobile@esig.group
License #
Copyright (c) 2020 ESIG Group