enum_plus 1.0.0+2
enum_plus: ^1.0.0+2 copied to clipboard
Simple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation for dart and flutter
enum_plus #
Simple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation
Usage #
You must include EnumPlus in your Enum. If you are using enhanced enum. You should return your own value by overriding the toValue method.
import 'package:enum_plus/enum_plus.dart';
enum Animal with EnumPlus {
const Animal(this.value);
final int value;
dynamic toValue() => value;
Enum Methods #
- Enum Methods
- Enum List Methods
- hasName()
- hasFriendlyName()
- getNames()
- getName()
- getNamesExcept()
- getFriendlyNames()
- getFriendlyNamesExcept()
- fromNames()
- fromFriendlyNames()
- fromName()
- fromFriendlyName()
- toListExcept()
- getRandom()
- getRandomName()
- getRandomFriendlyName()
- hasValue()
- getValues()
- getValue()
- getValuesExcept()
- fromValue()
- fromValues()
- coerce()
- getRandomValue()
equal #
Checks if this instance is equal to the given enum instance or value.
print(Animal.DOG.equal(Animal.DOG)); // true
print(Animal.DOG.equal(0)); // true
print(Animal.DOG.equal(Animal.CAT)); // false
print(Animal.DOG.equal(1)); // false
notEqual #
Checks if this instance is not equal to the given enum instance or value.
print(Animal.DOG.notEqual(Animal.CAT)); // true
print(Animal.DOG.notEqual(1)); // true
print(Animal.DOG.notEqual(Animal.DOG)); // false
print(Animal.DOG.notEqual(0)); // false
inside #
Checks if a matching enum instance or value is in the given values.
print(Animal.DOG.inside([Animal.DOG, Animal.CAT])); // true
print(Animal.DOG.inside([0, 1])); // true
print(Animal.DOG.inside([Animal.HONEY_BEE, Animal.CAT])); // false
print(Animal.DOG.inside([1, 2])); // false
outside #
Checks if a matching enum instance or value is not in the given values.
print(Animal.DOG.outside([Animal.HONEY_BEE, Animal.CAT])); // true
print(Animal.DOG.outside([1, 2])); // true
print(Animal.DOG.outside([Animal.DOG, Animal.CAT])); // false
print(Animal.DOG.outside([0, 1])); // false
getFriendlyName #
Transform the name into a friendly, formatted version.
print(Animal.HONEY_BEE.getFriendlyName()); // Honey Bee
Enum List Methods #
hasName #
Check that the enum contains a specific name.
print(Animal.values.hasName('DOG')); // true
print(Animal.values.hasName('FISH')); // false
hasFriendlyName #
Check that the enum contains a specific friendly name.
print(Animal.values.hasFriendlyName('Honey Bee')); // true
print(Animal.values.hasFriendlyName('Dog')); // true
print(Animal.values.hasFriendlyName('Fish')); // false
getNames #
Get all or a custom set of the enum names.
print(Animal.values.getNames()); // [DOG, CAT, HONEY_BEE]
print(Animal.values.getNames(values: [0, Animal.CAT])); // [DOG, CAT]
getName #
Get the name for a single enum value.
print(Animal.values.getName(1)); // CAT
print(Animal.values.getName(100)); //Bad state: No element
getNamesExcept #
Return names of all the enums except the given values.
print(Animal.values.getNamesExcept([0, Animal.HONEY_BEE])); // [CAT]
getFriendlyNames #
Get all or a custom set of the enum friendly names.
print(Animal.values.getFriendlyNames()); // [Dog, Cat, Honey Bee]
print(Animal.values.getFriendlyNames(values: [0, Animal.HONEY_BEE])); // [Dog, Honey Bee]
getFriendlyNamesExcept #
Return friendly names of all the enums except the given values.
print(Animal.values.getFriendlyNamesExcept([Animal.DOG, 1])); // [Honey Bee]
fromNames #
Get enums from names.
print(Animal.values.fromNames(['DOG', 'CAT'])); // [Animal.DOG, Animal.CAT]
print(Animal.values.fromNames(['CAT', 'FISH'])); // Bad state: No element
fromFriendlyNames #
Get enums from friendly names.
print(Animal.values.fromFriendlyNames(['Honey Bee', 'Cat'])); // [Animal.HONEY_BEE, Animal.CAT]
print(Animal.values.fromFriendlyNames(['Honey Bee', 'Fish'])); // Bad state: No element
fromName #
Make an enum instance from a given key.
print(Animal.values.fromName('DOG')); // Animal.DOG
print(Animal.values.fromName('FISH')); // Bad state: No element
fromFriendlyName #
Make an enum instance from a given friendly name.
print(Animal.values.fromFriendlyName('Honey Bee')); // Animal.HONEY_BEE
print(Animal.values.fromFriendlyName('Fish')); // Bad state: No element
toListExcept #
Return instances of all the enums except the given values.
print(Animal.values.toListExcept([Animal.DOG, 1])); // [Animal.HONEY_BEE]
getRandom #
Get a random instance of the enum.
print(Animal.values.getRandom()); // Animal.HONEY_BEE
getRandomName #
Get a random name of the enum.
print(Animal.values.getRandomName()); // DOG
getRandomFriendlyName #
Get a random friendly name of the enum.
print(Animal.values.getRandomFriendlyName()); // Cat
hasValue #
Check that the enum contains a specific value.
print(Animal.values.hasValue(1)); // true
print(Animal.values.hasValue(Animal.CAT)); // true
print(Animal.values.hasValue(100)); // false
getValues #
Get all or a custom set of the enum values.
print(Animal.values.getValues()); // [0, 1, 2]
print(Animal.values.getValues(names: ['DOG'])); // [0]
getValue #
Get the value for a single enum key.
print(Animal.values.getValue('DOG')); // 0
print(Animal.values.getValue('FISH')); // Bad state: No element
getValuesExcept #
Return values of all the enums except the given values.
print(Animal.values.getValuesExcept([Animal.DOG, 1])); // [2]
fromValue #
Make a new instance from an enum value.
print(Animal.values.fromValue(1)); // Animal.CAT
print(Animal.values.fromValue(Animal.CAT)); // Animal.CAT
print(Animal.values.fromValue(100)); // Bad state: No element
fromValues #
Return instances from enum values.
print(Animal.values.fromValues([0, Animal.CAT])); // [Animal.DOG, Animal.CAT]
coerce #
Attempt to instantiate a new Enum using the given key or value.
print(Animal.values.coerce(1)); // Animal.CAT
print(Animal.values.coerce('CAT')); // Animal.CAT
print(Animal.values.coerce(100)); // null
print(Animal.values.coerce('FISH')); // null
getRandomValue #
Get a random value of the enum.
print(Animal.values.getRandomValue()); // 1