enough_giphy_flutter 0.2.0 copy "enough_giphy_flutter: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
enough_giphy_flutter: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


Add a powerful and customizable GIPHY picker into your Flutter app.

enough_giphy_flutter #

Add a powerful and customizable GIPHY picker into your Flutter app.

Benefits #

Using enough_giphy_flutter has the following benefits:

  • The mandatory GIPHY attribution is not an afterthought - use it "as is" to get your app approved or customize the attribution according to your needs.
  • Platform-specific UI: use cupertino look and feel on iOS and MacOS, material on Android and other platforms.
  • Easily localize all texts.
  • Customize the look and feel according to your preferences and style.
  • Uses as few dependencies as possible.

Installation #

Add this dependency your pubspec.yaml file:

  enough_giphy_flutter: ^0.2.0

The latest version or enough_giphy_flutter is enough_giphy_flutter version.

API Documentation #

Check out the full API documentation at https://pub.dev/documentation/enough_giphy_flutter/latest/

Usage #

Use enough_giphy_flutter to select a GIF, sticker or emoji from GIPHY.

Requirements #

  • Sign up for the mandatory API key for each supported platform at developers.giphy.com, compare https://developers.giphy.com/docs/api#quick-start-guide for details. Select API and not SDK when generating the API key.
  • Android: Ensure to add internet permission to your AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
  • When ready, apply for a GIPHY production key

Pick a GIF, Sticker or Emoji #

Use Giphy.getGif(...) to pick a GIF, sticker or emoji.

import 'package:enough_giphy_flutter/enough_giphy_flutter.dart';
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return TextButton(
        child: Text('GIPHY'), 
        onPressend: () async {
            final gif = await Giphy.getGif(context: context, apiKey: '123abc123');
            if (gif != null) {
                // the user has selected a GIF, now handle it in your own way.
                // Example: display gif using the GiphyImageView:
                    context: context,
                    builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
                        title: Text(gif.title),
                        content: GiphyImageView(
                            gif: gif,

Choose What to Pick #

  • Set the type parameter to switch between gifs, stickers and emoji, e.g.
final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    type: GiphyType.stickers, 
final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    type: GiphyType.stickers,
    lang: GiphyLanguage.german, 
  • Use the rating parameter to show other than 'all ages' content:
final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    type: GiphyType.gifs,
    lang: GiphyLanguage.spanish, 
    rating: GiphyRating.pg13,

Localize #

Localize texts with the following String parameters of the getGif() method:

  • searchLabelText
  • searchHintText
  • searchEmptyResultText
  • headerGifsText
  • headerStickersText
  • headerEmojiText You can also define an errorBuilder callback to display a localized error message:
// example for localizing text in German:
final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    type: GiphyType.gifs,
    lang: GiphyLanguage.german, 
    rating: GiphyRating.g,
    searchLabelText: 'GIPHY Suche',
    searchHintText: 'Deine Suchanfrage',
    searchEmptyResultText: 'Nichts gefunden...',
    headerGifsText: 'GIFs',
    headerStickersText: 'Sticker',
    headerEmojiText: 'Emoticons',
    errorBuilder: (context, error, stacktrace) => 
        const Center(child: Text('Leider gab es einen Fehler,\nbitte probiere es später noch einmal.')),

Preview #

You can show a confirmation dialog before a gif is selected by setting the showPreview parameter to true:

final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    showPreview: true,

The preview is either a material AlertDialog or a CupertinoAlertDialog depending on the platform. This dialog will show the title and - if available - the creator of the gif. You can search for other gifs of the same creator by tapping on the creator's name.

Attribution #

With enough_giphy_flutter your app automatically fulfills the GIPHY Attribution Policy:

  • A GIPHY logo is shown next to the search field
  • The preview dialog shows the creator of the selected gif.

If you want to show a different attribution, set the Widget? attribution parameter, e.g.:

final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    attribution: Image.asset('assets/images/giphy.gif', height: 40),

To hide the attribution, set showAttribution to false:

final gif = await Giphy.getGif(
    context: context, 
    apiKey: 'abc123abc',
    showAttribution: false,

Customize UI #

Apart from the above can customize a lot of things, e.g.

  • Set gridType to GridType.squareFixedColumns or GridType.squareFixedWidth to use square tiles instead of the default stacked tiles. Or even specify your own gridBuilder to create your very own representation.
  • Adapt the spacing between columns using [gridSpacing], defaults to 4.0.
  • Adapt the minimum number of columns shown with [gridMinColumns], which defaults to 2.
  • Create your own gridBorderRadius or set it to null to adapt the border of the shown GIFs in the grid to your liking.
  • Disable search by setting [showSearch] to false.
  • Disable the user switchting between gifs, stickers and emojy by setting [showTypeSwitcher] to false.
  • Enable showing a high quality preview before returning a selection by setting [showPreview] to true.
  • Set [showAttribution] to false to hide the attribution or specify your own attribution witdget with [attribution].
  • Enable keeping the state of the currently selected type and search between invocations by setting [keepState] to true.
  • Show you own UI on top of the GIPHY sheet after the user has selected a [GiphyGif] by setting your custom [onSelected] callback.

Build your own Giphy Experience #

Use the widgets package to build fully customized GIPHY solutions easily. Use the API documentation and the source for guidance.

import 'package:enough_giphy_flutter/widgets.dart';

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

License #

Licensed under the commercial friendly Mozilla Public License 2.0.



verified publisherenough.de

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Add a powerful and customizable GIPHY picker into your Flutter app.

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enough_giphy, enough_platform_widgets, flutter


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