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A fast & simple email authentication OTP sender and verification flutter package.

Welcome to Email OTP: Your Fast and Simple Email Authentication OTP Solution! #

Email OTP is a Flutter package designed to simplify email authentication through one-time passwords (OTPs). With Email OTP, you can effortlessly generate OTPs and send them to your users' email addresses, ensuring secure identity verification.

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Table of Contents #

Getting Started #

To get started, import the email_otp package in your Flutter project:

import 'package:email_otp/email_otp.dart';

Usage #

Initialize the EmailOTP class:

EmailOTP myAuth = EmailOTP();

Configuration #

Configure your OTP authentication settings using the setConfig method:

    appEmail: "",
    appName: "Email OTP",
    userEmail: email.text,
    otpLength: 6,
    otpType: OTPType.digitsOnly
  1. appEmail: Your personal or company email address, visible to clients when they receive OTPs.
  2. appName: Your app's name, displayed to clients in the email.
  3. userEmail: The recipient's email address where the OTP needs to be sent.
  4. otpLength: The length of the OTP (e.g., 6 digits).
  5. otpType: Choose from OTPType.digitsOnly, OTPType.stringOnly, or OTPType.mixed for different OTP formats.

Customizing Email Templates (Optional) #

You can customize your email template using the setTemplate method. If not used, the default template provided by Email OTP will be used.

var template = 'YOUR HTML CODE HERE';
    render: template 

In your HTML, use placeholders like {{app_name}} and {{otp}} to display the app name and OTP. For example:

Thank you for choosing {{app_name}}. Your OTP is {{otp}}.

Configuring Custom SMTP (Optional) #

Configure your SMTP settings using the setSMTP method if you want to send OTPs from a custom email address. Make sure your SMTP credentials are correct. Test your SMTP configuration at

    host: "",
    auth: true,
    username: "",
    password: "*************",
    secure: "TLS",
    port: 576
  1. host: Your SMTP hostname.
  2. auth: Boolean (true/false) indicating if SMTP authentication is required.
  3. username: Your SMTP email address.
  4. password: Your SMTP email password.
  5. secure: Choose from "TLS" or "SSL" for secure connections.
  6. port: Port number of your SMTP email server.

Sending and Verifying OTPs #

Use the following methods to send and verify OTPs:

Sending OTP #

await myAuth.sendOTP();

Verifying OTP #

var inputOTP = 987654; // OTP entered by the client after receiving the email
await myAuth.verifyOTP(
    otp: inputOTP

Complete Example #

Find a complete example in the Email OTP package documentation.

Reporting Bugs or Issues #

Feel free to open a ticket on GitHub if you encounter any problems. We also welcome new ideas and suggestions.

Copyright © 2023 Rohit Chouhan. Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.

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A fast & simple email authentication OTP sender and verification flutter package.

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