easy_refresh 3.4.0 easy_refresh: ^3.4.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load.
3.4.0 #
- breaking: Flutter >=3.7.0, dart >=2.19.0. Remove some unnecessary compatibility, please update the Flutter version in time, or use the previous version.
- fix: Scroll bar adaptation for unknown platforms #825.
- feat: Add BoxDecoration to ClassicHeader and ClassicFooter, Thanks GiampaoloGabba for PR#822.
- fix: Compatible with Flutter3.22.0.
3.3.5 #
3.3.4 #
3.3.3+1 #
- fix: All styles are lost.
3.3.3 #
3.3.2+4 #
3.3.2 #
- fix: BezierIndicator.spinBuilder doesn't work.
- feat: Add BezierIndicator.spinInCenter.
- feat: Add BezierIndicator.onlySpin #689.
- feat: Add support for ScrollPhysics.toleranceFor.
- feat: After failure, continue to scroll to trigger the task #718.
- feat: [EasyRefresh] noMoreRefresh -> canRefreshAfterNoMore, noMoreLoad -> canRefreshAfterLoad
- fix: Use canRefreshAfterNoMore or canRefreshAfterLoad, abnormal NoMore status.
- feat: EasyRefreshController.finishRefresh and EasyRefreshController.finishLoad add force parameter.
- feat: Add EasyRefresh.triggerAxis, specifies the direction of the trigger.
3.3.1+1 #
3.3.1 #
3.3.0 #
- fix: Compatible with Flutter 3.7.
3.2.2+1 #
- fix: CupertinoActivityIndicator renamed to avoid conflicts.
3.2.1 #
- fix: Footer's maxOverOffset property does not work.
- fix: When maxOverOffset is 0, list scrolling loses inertia.
- fix: When there is no task, the mode still changes #608.
- fix: HapticFeedback does not work when triggerWhenReach is true.
3.2.0+1 #
- fix: When clamping, triggerWhenRelease is true causing the indicator to be stuck.
- feat: Material indicator support triggerWhenRelease.
3.2.0 #
3.1.0 #
- feat: Add paging widget [EasyPaging].
3.0.5+1 #
- fix: Clamping refresh, causing Material3 AppBar to change color.
3.0.5 #
- fix: [EasyRefreshController.callRefresh] and [EasyRefreshController.callLoad] add force #633 #642. Thanks percival888 for PR#639.
- fix: When the height changes when callTask causes the list not to rebound.
- feat: Add [EasyRefresh.scrollBehaviorBuilder] and [EasyRefresh.defaultScrollBehaviorBuilder]. Thanks laiiihz for PR#614.
3.0.4+3 #
- feat: When the content of the list is not full, the infinite scroll does not cross the bounds #588.
3.0.4+1 #
3.0.4 #
- fix: ScrollMetrics.minScrollExtent != 0.0, offset calculation error.
- feat: Supported [ScrollView.center] #581.
3.0.3+1 #
- docs: NestedScrollView example.
3.0.3 #
3.0.2+2 #
- fix: ClassicIndicator transition animation.
- fix: NotRefreshHeader and NotLoadFooter [position] causes tree structure changes.
3.0.2+1 #
- fix: [viewportDimension] changes may trigger loading.
3.0.2 #
- feat: Indicator add [triggerWhenReach] #348. Trigger immediately when reaching the [triggerOffset].
- feat: CupertinoIndicator support horizontal.
3.0.1+1 #
- fix: CupertinoActivityIndicator radius == 0.
3.0.1 #
- fix: Use notifyListeners after ChangeNotifier disposed. Thanks laiiihz for PR#555.
- feat: ClassicHeader、ClassicFooter add IconThemeData. Thanks Lay523 for PR#562.
- feat: ClassicIndicator add [progressIndicatorSize] and [progressIndicatorStrokeWidth].
- feat: Add CupertinoIndicator.
- fix: finishLoad asset #563.
3.0.0+3 #
- fix: dart >=2.13.0.
- fix: The screen is not full, [infinite] can not reset.
- feat: HeaderLocator and FooterLocator add [clearExtent].
- feat: Add OverrideFooter and OverrideHeader.
3.0.0+2 #
- fix: Scores
3.0.0+1 #
- fix: .pubignore