easy_onvif 2.0.13+15 copy "easy_onvif: ^2.0.13+15" to clipboard
easy_onvif: ^2.0.13+15 copied to clipboard

A pure Dart library designed primarily for command line automation of Onvif compatible devices, but can be used anywhere Dart is used.

ONVIF Client protocol Profile S (Live Streaming) Dart implementation #

This is a wrapper to ONVIF protocol which allows you to get information about your NVT (network video transmitter) device, its media sources, control PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) movements and manage presets. It will also allow you to get information about your NVR (network video recorder).

pub package Build Status

Table of contents #

Buy me a coffee

New for version 2.0.0 #

Device discovery is finally here. If you're using that cli utilities that became available from v1.0.0, you can discover Onvif devices on your network with the command:

onvif probe

Or, in dart code:

final multicastProbe = MulticastProbe();

await multicastProbe.probe();

for (var device in multicastProbe.onvifDevices) {
      '${device.name} ${device.location} ${device.hardware} ${device.xaddr}');

Getting Started #

To use this package in your code, first add the dependency to your project:

  easy_onvif: ^2.0.13+15

If you need additional help getting started with dart, check out these guides.

Usage Example #

Import the easy_onvif library.

import 'package:easy_onvif/onvif.dart';

Connecting to an Onvif device #

final onvif = await Onvif.connect(
 host: [hostname or ip address],
 username: [username],
 password: [password]);

Interacting with the device through Onvif operations #

Refer to the tables below for the supported operations.

Through the deviceManagement operations you can get information about the connected device.

var deviceInfo = await onvif.deviceManagement.getDeviceInformation();


Many operations require you to supply a profileToken which can be retrieved through media operations.

var profiles = await onvif.media.getProfiles();

profiles.forEach((element) {
 print('${element.name}  ${element.token}');

var profileToken = profiles[0].token;

With the ptz operations you can get a list of camera presets from the connected device.

var presets = await onvif.ptz.getPresets(profileToken);

//get a specific preset
var preset = presets[11];

//print the preset values
 'preset: ${preset.position.panTilt?.x}  ${preset.position.panTilt?.y}  ${preset.position.zoom?.x}');

//use the GotoPreset operation to point the camera to the given preset
await onvif.ptz.gotoPreset(profileToken, preset);

Be sure to look through the API Reference for information about the parameters required for the supported Onvif operations.

Onvif cli (Onvif at the command prompt) #

A command line interface for controlling an Onvif device with cli commands

Install using dart pub:

dart pub global activate easy_onvif

Install using brew:

brew tap faithoflifedev/easy_onvif
brew install onvif

Run the following command to see help:

onvif --help


A command line interface for controlling Onvif compliant devices

Usage: onvif <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help           Print this usage information.
    --config-file    (defaults to "$HOME/.onvif/credentials.json")
    --log-level      [all, debug, info, warning, error, off (default)]

Available commands:
  authorize           Generate an authentication file for an Onvif device
  device-management   Device management commands.
  media               Media commands.
  probe               Probe/device discovery command.
  ptz                 PTZ commands.
  version             Display the package name and version.

Please see the cli documentation README.md for more detailed usage information.

Supported Onvif Operations #

Device Management #

Onvif Operation Dart Method Dart Return Type Test
CreateUsers createUsers Future<void> [ ]
DeleteUsers deleteUsers Future<void> [ ]
GetCapabilities getCapabilities Future<Capabilities> [x]
GetDiscoveryMode getDiscoveryMode Future<String> [ ]
GetDNS getDNS Future<DnsInformation> [x]
GetDeviceInformation getDeviceInformation Future<GetDeviceInformationResponse> [x]
GetHostname getHostname Future<HostnameInformation> [x]
GetNetworkProtocols getNetworkProtocols Future<List<NetworkProtocol>> [x]
GetNTP getNtp Future<NtpInformation> [x]
GetServiceCapabilities getServiceCapabilities Future<DeviceServiceCapabilities> [x]
GetServices getServices Future<List<Service>> [x]
GetSystemDateAndTime getSystemDateAndTime Future<SystemDateAndTime> [x]
GetSystemUris getSystemUris Future<GetSystemUrisResponse> [x]
GetUsers getUsers Future<List<User>> [x]

Media #

Onvif Operation Dart Method Dart Return Type Test
GetAudioSources getAudioSources Future<AudioSource> [x]
GetProfiles getProfiles Future<List<Profile>> [x]
GetSnapshotUri getSnapshotUri Future<MediaUri> [x]
GetStreamUri getStreamUri Future<MediaUri> [x]
GetVideoSources getVideoSources Future<VideoSources> [x]
StartMulticastStreaming startMulticastStreaming Future<void> [ ]
StopMulticastStreaming stopMulticastStreaming Future<void> [ ]


Onvif Operation Dart Method Dart Return Type Test
AbsoluteMove absoluteMove Future<bool> [ ]
ContinuousMove continuousMove Future<bool> [x]
GetCompatibleConfigurations getCompatibleConfigurations Future<List<PtzConfiguration>> [x]
GetConfiguration getConfiguration Future<PtzConfiguration> [x]
GetConfigurations getConfigurations Future<List<PtzConfiguration>> [x]
GetPresets getPresets Future<List<Preset>> [x]
GetStatus getStatus Future<PtzStatus> [x]
GotoHomePosition gotoHomePosition Future<bool> [ ]
GotoPreset gotoPreset Future<bool> [ ]
RelativeMove relativeMove Future<void> [ ]
RemovePreset removePreset Future<void> [ ]
SetPreset setPreset Future<String> [x]
Stop stop Future<bool> [x]

PTZ Helper Methods #

Onvif Operation Dart Method Return Type
N/A move Future<void>
N/A moveDown Future<void>
N/A moveLeft Future<void>
N/A moveRight Future<void>
N/A moveUp Future<void>
N/A zoomIn Future<void>
N/A zoomOut Future<void>
N/A getCurrentPreset Future<Preset?>

Tested Onvif Devices #

The values returned by the Onvif API GetDeviceInformation call.

Manufacturer Model Known Issue
D-Link Corporation DCS-6511
Happytimesoft IPCamera
TP-Link TL-IPC43AN-4 RelativeMove¹
Unknown GX728MF-IR28

¹ For TP-Link, RelativeMove is not properly supported on the tested device, however easy_onvif falls back to GetStatus and AbsoluteMove to simulate a relative move.

What's next #

  • More comprehensive unit tests

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs with the issue tracker.

Known Issues #

Github Issue #23, in Flutter when using v2.0.13+4 and above you may see the following message when performing a dart pub get:

Because every version of flutter from sdk depends on collection 1.16.0 and xml >=6.2.0 depends on collection ^1.17.0, flutter from sdk is incompatible with xml >=6.2.0.
And because easy_onvif >=2.0.13+11 depends on xml ^6.2.2, flutter from sdk is incompatible with easy_onvif >=2.0.13+11.
So, because cow depends on both flutter from sdk and easy_onvif ^2.0.13+13, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; So, because cow depends on both flutter from sdk and easy_onvif ^2.0.13+13, version solving failed.)

The fix for this is to add the following section to your pubspec.yaml:

  collection: ^1.17.0

Contributing #

Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:

  • Found an issue?
    • Please fill a bug report with details.
  • Need a feature?
    • Open a feature request with use cases.
  • Are you using and liking the project?
    • Promote the project: create an article or post about it
    • Make a donation
  • Do you have a project that uses this package
    • let's cross promote, let me know and I'll add a link to your project
  • Are you a developer?
    • Fix a bug and send a pull request.
    • Implement a new feature.
    • Improve the Unit Tests.
  • Have you already helped in any way?
    • Many thanks from me, the contributors and everybody that uses this project!

If you donate 1 hour of your time, you can contribute a lot, because others will do the same, just be part and start with your 1 hour.

pub points


verified publishermuayid.com

A pure Dart library designed primarily for command line automation of Onvif compatible devices, but can be used anywhere Dart is used.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


args, crypto, dio, intl, json_annotation, loggy, sprintf, universal_io, uuid, xml, xml2json, yaml


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