easy_mvvm 0.0.13 copy "easy_mvvm: ^0.0.13" to clipboard
easy_mvvm: ^0.0.13 copied to clipboard

An easy mvvm solution that includes ways to manage routes, views, viewmodels, and the mvvm architecture

easy_mvvm #

This is a Flutter package that simplifies state management by following the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. The MVVM pattern separates the user interface (View) from the business logic and data (Model), using a ViewModel to mediate between the two. With easy_mvvm, you can easily manage routes, views, and viewmodels within your Flutter application.

Features #

Detailed Features #

Quick Scaffolding #

The easy_mvvm package allows you to quickly generate the basic structure of views and services using command-line tools. This saves significant development time and ensures consistency by following standardized patterns.

Views and Services #

  • Views: Components responsible for displaying the UI.
  • Services: Components that handle business logic, data retrieval, and other functionalities outside the UI layer.

Command-Line Options #

Developers can use specific commands in their terminal (command-line interface) to generate views and services efficiently. For example:

  • To create a view named ExampleView:

    flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view ExampleView
    copied to clipboard
  • To create a lazy singleton service named ExampleService:

    flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --lazySingleton=ExampleService 
    copied to clipboard

Route Management #

Managing navigation is seamless with easy_mvvm, which provides custom page route builders and predefined routes. This feature ensures that navigation logic is clear and maintainable.

  • Custom Page Route Builders: You can define custom page transitions using the RouteTransition class.
  • Defined Routes: Predefined routes (DefinedRoutes) help standardize and simplify the management of different routes in your application.
  • Route Services: The RouteService class handles routing, ensuring that navigation logic is consolidated in one place.
  • Error Handling: Use the RouteErrorTemplate to define custom templates for displaying errors related to routing.


// Example of using RouteService for navigation
RouteService.navigateTo(context, RouteInfo.home);
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Getting Started #

Installation #

  1. Add easy_mvvm to your pubspec.yaml:

      easy_mvvm: <latest_version>
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  2. Initialize your MVVM project:

    flutter pub run easy_mvvm init
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Web Recommendation #

For Flutter web applications, it's recommended to use the url_strategy package to remove the # from the URL.

Usage #

Importing easy_mvvm #

To use easy_mvvm in your Flutter project, import it as follows:

import 'package:easy_mvvm/easy_mvvm.dart';
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Command-Line Interface #

General Options #

Option Short Description Usage
create Quickly creates views, and services flutter pub run easy_mvvm create <options>
init Initializes an MVVM project (creates the folder structure and necessary files) flutter pub run easy_mvvm init
--help -h Prints usage information flutter pub run easy_mvvm -h

Create Command Options #

Option Short Description Usage
service Creates a service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service <options>
view Creates a view and view model flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view <ClassName>
--help -h Prints usage information flutter pub run easy_mvvm create <options> -h

Service Creation Options #

Argument Short Description Usage
--singleton= Creates a singleton service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --singleton=<ClassName>
--lazySingleton= Creates a lazy singleton service (Recommended) flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --lazySingleton=<ClassName>
--factory= Creates a factory for a service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --factory=<ClassName>
--async -a The service needs async function to be instantiated flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --lazySingleton=<ClassName> -a
--help -h Prints usage information flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service <options> -h

View Creation Options #

Argument Short Description Usage
--path=<path_name> -p Use if path name (route) for web is not the same as the class name flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view <ClassName> --path=routePath
--help -h Prints usage information flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view <ClassName> -h

API Documentation #

Router #

  • RouteTransition: Class for custom page route transitions.
  • RouteInfo: Class containing route information.
  • RouteErrorTemplate: Class for defining route error templates.
  • RouteService: Class for managing routing.
  • CustomPageRouteBuilder: (Internal) Custom page route builder.
  • DefinedRoutes: (Internal) Predefined routes.


  • ViewModel: Base class for view models.
  • View: Base class for views.
  • locator: The service locator for dependency injection.

Contributing #

If you'd like to contribute, please submit a pull request or open an issue.



verified publisherrutvik.dev

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2024.07.08 - 2025.01.20

An easy mvvm solution that includes ways to manage routes, views, viewmodels, and the mvvm architecture

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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


animations, args, code_builder, colorize, dart_style, flutter, get_it, meta, pubspec_yaml, recase, universal_platform


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