easy_mvvm is a Flutter package that simplifies state management by following the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. The MVVM pattern separates the user interface (View) from the business logic and data (Model), using a ViewModel to mediate between the two. With easy_mvvm, you can easily create views and services using the command-line interface, which is powered by the get_it package. The package also supports the service locator pattern, which enables you to create singleton, lazy singleton, and factory services. The package includes command-line options and arguments that allow you to quickly create views and services and customize their behavior. If you're looking for a simple yet powerful way to manage state in your Flutter application, easy_mvvm is a great choice.

Uses the get_it package for the service locator pattern.

Getting Started


  1. Add to your pubspec.yaml:
  easy_mvvm: <last_version>
  1. Run the init command in terminal flutter pub run easy_mvvm init

Web Recommendation

Use url_strategy to remove the '#' in the URL

Command line options and arguments

Options Short Description Usage
create Quickly creates views, and services flutter pub run easy_mvvm create <options>
init Initialize an mvvm project (creates the folder structure and necessary files) flutter pub run easy_mvvm init
--help -h Print Usage Information flutter pub run easy_mvvm -h

Command line options and arguments for create

Options Short Description Usage
service Creates a service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service <options>
view Creates the view and the view model flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view <ClassName>
--help -h Print Usage Information flutter pub run easy_mvvm <options> -h

Command line arguments for create service

Arguments Short Description Usage
--singleton= Creates a singleton service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --singleton=ExampleView
--lazySingleton= Creates a lazy singleton service (Recommended) flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --lazySingleton=ExampleView
--factory= Creates a factory for a service flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --factory=ExampleView
--async -a The service needs async function to be instantiated flutter pub run easy_mvvm create service --lazySingleton=ExampleView -a
--help -h Print Usage Information flutter pub run easy_mvvm <options> -h

Command line arguments for create view <ClassName>

Arguments Short Description Usage
--path=<path_name> -p Use if path name (route) for web is not the same as the class name flutter pub run easy_mvvm create view <ClassName> --path=routePath
--help -h Print Usage Information flutter pub run easy_mvvm <options> -h


An easy mvvm solution that includes ways to manage routes, views, viewmodels, and the mvvm architecture