easy_localization 3.0.7 copy "easy_localization: ^3.0.7" to clipboard
easy_localization: ^3.0.7 copied to clipboard

Easy and Fast internationalizing and localization your Flutter Apps, this package simplify the internationalizing process .

Changelog #

[3.0.7] #

  • add _supportedLocales in EasyLocalizationController; log and check the deviceLocale when resetLocale;
  • add scriptCode to desiredLocale if useOnlyLangCode is true. scriptCode is needed sometimes, for example zh-Hans, zh-Hant
  • add savedLocale get method for context. if context.savedLocale is null, then language option is following system, i can display the option in user selection form.

[3.0.6] #

  • add 'useFallbackTranslationsForEmptyResources' to be able to use fallback locales for empty resources.

[3.0.5] #

  • add 'extraAssetLoaders' to add more assets loaders if it is needed, for example, if you want to add packages localizations to your project.

[3.0.4] #

  • determine plural cases based on the actual language rules (#620)
  • update intl to 0.19.0 (#638)

[3.0.3] #

  • replace log() with stdout.writeln()

[3.0.2] #

  • support intl 18
  • support dart 3
  • added trExists extension
  • fix: handle invalid saved local
  • handle null returned by assetLoader
  • improve parsing scriptCode from local string
  • add tr-extension on build context

[3.0.1] #

  • added option allowing skip keys of nested object
  • fixed plural bug
  • fixed typos

[3.0.0] #

  • BREAKING: Added EasyLocalization.ensureInitialized(), Needs to be called
  • BREAKING: Added support null safety
  • BREAKING: removed context parameter from plural() and tr()
  • Added Formatting linked translations more
  • Updated plural() function, with arguments more
      var money = plural('money_args', 10.23, args: ['John', '10.23'])  // output: John has 10.23 dollars
  • Removed preloader widget preloaderWidget
  • fixed many issues.
  • customizable logger [EasyLogger]
  • device locale and reset device locale
  • extensions helpers
  • support fallback locale keys redirection

[2.3.3] #

  • Updated pubspec dependencies
  • Added --source-file argument in codegen

[2.3.2] #

  • Updates generated tool.

[2.3.1] #

  • Updated plural() function, now she is not strict.
  • Updates print and log messages

[2.3.0] #

  • Added extension methods on [BuildContext] for access to Easy Localization

🔥 It's more easiest way change locale or get parameters

context.locale = locale;

ℹ️ No breaking changes, you can use old the static method EasyLocalization.of(context)

[2.2.2] #

  • Added preloaderWidget.
  • Fixed many issues.

[2.2.1] #

  • Added startLocale.

[2.2.0] #

  • Added support Locale scriptCode.

  • Added EasyLocalization.of(context).delegates for localizationsDelegates

    supportedLocales: [
        Locale('en', 'US'),
        Locale('ar', 'DZ'),
  • Added support Custom assets loaders Easy Localization Loader.

    • Added support CSV files.

      path: 'resources/langs/langs.csv',
      assetLoader: CsvAssetLoader(),
    • Added support Yaml files.

      path: 'resources/langs',
      assetLoader: YamlAssetLoader(),
      path: 'resources/langs/langs.yaml',
      assetLoader: YamlSingleAssetLoader(),
    • Added support XML files.

      path: 'resources/langs',
      assetLoader: XmlAssetLoader(),
      path: 'resources/langs/langs.xml',
      assetLoader: XmlSingleAssetLoader(),
  • Added Code generation of localization files.

    $ flutter pub run easy_localization:generate -h
    -s, --source-dir     Source folder contains all string json files
                        (defaults to "resources/langs")
    -O, --output-dir     Output folder stores generated file
                        (defaults to "lib/generated")
    -o, --output-file    Output file name
                        (defaults to "codegen_loader.g.dart")
    -f, --format         Support json, dart formats
                        [json (default), keys]
    • generate the json string static keys in a dart class

        "msg_named": "{} مكتوبة باللغة {lang}",
      flutter pub run easy_localization:generate  -f keys -o locale_keys.g.dart
      abstract class  LocaleKeys {
        static const msg_named = 'msg_named';
      Text(LocaleKeys.msg_named).tr(namedArgs: {'lang': 'Dart'}, args: ['Easy localization']),
    • generate the json Loader in a dart class

      flutter pub run easy_localization:generate
  • fixed many issues.

  • Added named arguments.

    "msg_named": "{} are written in the {lang} language",
    Text(LocaleKeys.msg_named).tr(namedArgs: {'lang': 'Dart'}, args: ['Easy localization']),

[2.1.0] #

  • Added Error widget.
  • fixed many issues.
  • Based on Bloc.
  • optimized and clean code more stability

[2.0.2] #

  • fixed many issues
  • optimized and clean code more stability

[2.0.1] #

  • Added change locale dynamically saveLocale default value true
  • fixed many issues

[2.0.0] #

this version came with many updates, here are the main ones:

  • optimized and clean code more stability

  • fixed many issues

  • added Unite test

  • Customization AssetLoader localizations assetLoader for more details see custom assetLoader

  • added fallbackLocale as optional

  • Hiding EasyLocalizationProvider

  • refactor and update approach localization for more details see example:

    // Now V2.0.0
      child: MyApp(),
    // after V2.0.0
      child: MyApp(),
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      var data = EasyLocalizationProvider.of(context).data;
      return EasyLocalizationProvider(...);
  • added Support for context

    tr("key", context: context),
    plural("key", 1 , context: context),

[1.4.1] #

  • optimized and clean code

  • fixed many issues

  • added extension for Strings

    // after 1.4.1
    Text('switch'.tr( gender: _gender ? "female" : "male")),

[1.4.0] #

  • refactor code changed call AppLocalizations.of(context).tr() AppLocalizations.of(context).plural() to tr() and plural()

    // after 1.4.0
      tr('switch', gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),
    // before 1.4.0
      AppLocalizations.of(context).tr('switch', gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),
  • added Flutter extension for Text widget

    // after 1.4.0
    Text('switch').tr( gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),

[1.3.5] #

  • merge gender() and tr() .

        "male": "Hi man ;)",
        "female": "Hello girl :)"
    new Text(
      AppLocalizations.of(context).tr('switch', gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),
  • use parameters args for gender.

        "male": "Hi man ;) {}",
        "female": "Hello girl :) {}"
    new Text(
      AppLocalizations.of(context).tr('switch', args:["Naama"] gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),

[1.3.4] #

  • adeed Gender [female,male] gender() .

        "male": "Hi man ;)",
        "female": "Hello girl :)"
    new Text(
      AppLocalizations.of(context).gender('switch', _gender ? "female" : "male"),

[1.3.3+1] #

  • updated plural() thanks shushper .

      "text": {
        "day": {
          "zero":"{} дней",
          "one": "{} день",
          "two": "{} дня",
          "few": "{} дня",
          "many": "{} дней",
          "other": "{} дней"

[1.3.3] #

  • removed data.savedLocale .
  • optimized and clean code
  • fixed many issues

[1.3.2] #

  • plural() added property resolver for nested key translations

    "text": {
      "day": {
        "zero": "day",
        "one": "day",
        "other": "days"
    new Text(
      AppLocalizations.of(context).plural("text.day", 2),
  • fixed many issues

[1.3.1] #

  • add useOnlyLangCode flag

[1.3.0] #

  • Load translations from remote or backend
  • fixed many issues

[1.2.1] #

  • supported shared_preferences
  • Save selected localization

[1.2.0] #

  • Added property resolver for nested key translations
  • return translate key if the element or path not exist
  "title": "Hello",
  "msg": "Hello {} in the {} world ",
  "clickMe": "Click me",
  "profile": {
    "reset_password": {
      "label":  "Reset Password",
      "username": "Username",
      "password": "password"
  "clicked": {
    "zero": "You clicked {} times!",
    "one": "You clicked {} time!",
    "other": "You clicked {} times!"

new Text(

[1.0.4] #

  • Added Support country codes

[1.0.3] #

  • Updated tr() function added Multi Argument

[1.0.2] #

  • Added string pluralisation .
  • Added Argument to tr() function.
pub points


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Easy and Fast internationalizing and localization your Flutter Apps, this package simplify the internationalizing process .

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


args, easy_logger, flutter, flutter_localizations, intl, path, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on easy_localization