easy_debounce 0.0.1 copy "easy_debounce: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
easy_debounce: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A simple debouncer package for Dart/Flutter.

easy_debounce #

A simple debouncer package for Dart/Flutter.

Debouncing is needed when there is a possibility of multiple calls to a method being made within a short duration of each other, and it's desireable that only the last of those calls actually invoke the target method.

So basically each call starts a timer, and if another call happens before the timer executes, the timer is reset and starts waiting for the desired duration again. When the timer finally does time out, the target method is invoked.

Installation #

Add easy_debounce as a dependency in pubspec.yaml:

  easy_debounce: ^0.0.1 <-- Replace with desired minimum version

Usage #


Use the debouncer by calling debounce:

    'my-debouncer',                 // <-- An ID for this particular debouncer
    Duration(milliseconds: 500),    // <-- The debounce duration
    () => myMethod()                // <-- The target method

The above call will invoke myMethod() after 500 ms, unless another call to debounce() with the same tag is made within 500 ms. A tag identifies this particular debouncer, which means you can have multiple different debouncers running concurrently and independent of each other.

Cancelling a debouncer

A debouncer which hasn't yet executed its target function can be called by calling cancel() with the debouncers tag:


Counting active debouncers

You can get the number of active debouncers (debouncers which haven't yet executed their target methods) by calling count():

print('Active debouncers: ${EasyDebounce.count()}');