dyte_core 0.4.3 copy "dyte_core: ^0.4.3" to clipboard
dyte_core: ^0.4.3 copied to clipboard

Dyte core SDK

dyte_core #


Dyte Flutter Core

A SDK that provides Dyte's audio, video conferencing and livestreaming functionality.
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Before Getting Started #

Installation #

flutter pub add dyte_core

For iOS #

  1. Set your platform to iOS 12.0 or above in your Podfile.
platform :ios, '12.0'
  1. Add the following entries to the info.plist file. This gives permission to your app to access the camera and microphone, access photos, install the required fonts and icons.
<string>We will use your Bluetooth to access your Bluetooth headphones.</string>
<string>We will use your Bluetooth to access your Bluetooth headphones.</string>
<string>For people to see you during meetings, we need access to your camera.</string>
<string>For people to hear you during meetings, we need access to your microphone.</string>
<string>For people to share, we need access to your photos.</string>

Usage #

Import the following package into your project: #

import 'package:dyte_core/dyte_core.dart';

Initialize the SDK #

The DyteMobileClient is the main class of the SDK. It is the entry point and the only class required to initialize Dyte SDK.

final dyteClient = DyteMobileClient();

Set the meeting properties #

Set the properties in the DyteMeetingInfo class. You just need to provide the participant's authToken.

Name Description
authToken After you've created the meeting,
add each participant to the meeting
using the Add Participant API
(The presetName created earlier
must be passed in the body
of the Add Participant API request)
The API response contains the authToken.
final meetingInfo = DyteMeetingInfoV2(
                    authToken: '<auth_token>',

Initialize the connection request #

To initialize the connection request, call the init() method obtained on dyteClient with the meetingInfo argument. This will establish the connection with the Dyte meeting server.


By registering state observers, you receive callbacks for this action on the meeting object.

class RoomStateNotifier extends DyteMeetingRoomEventsListener {


  void onMeetingInitStarted() {
    /// on meeting init started

  void onMeetingInitCompleted() {
    /// on meeting init completed

  void onMeetingInitFailed(Exception exception) {
    /// on meeting init failed


Connect to the meeting #

Now, you have established the connection with the Dyte meeting server successfully. Next step is to join the room.

Join the room

To join the meeting room, call joinRoom() method on the dyteClient instance as shown below.


By registering state observers, you receive callbacks for this action on the meeting object.

class LocalUserStatesNotifier extends DyteSelfEventsListener {

  void onMeetingRoomJoinStarted() {
    /// Handle join start state

  void onMeetingRoomJoined () {
    /// Handle joining completion, ex: move to room screen

  void onMeetingRoomJoinFailed(exception){
    /// Handle failure


Leave the room

Once the meeting is over, you can leave the meeting room.

To leave the meeting room, call leaveRoom() method on the dyteClient as shown below.


Cleanup listeners #

Introduced in dyte_core: 0.3.6, cleanAllNativeListeners() method which needs to be called when you're done with current session of dyte meeting. It interally calls individual new clean methods for each listener cleanNativeMeetingRoomEventsListener(), cleanNativeParticipantEventListener(), cleanNativePollListener(), cleanNativeRecordingListener(), cleanNativeStageEventsListener(), cleanNativeSelfParticipantEventListener(), cleanNativeChatListener(), cleanNativeDataUpdateListener(), cleanNativeLivestreamListener(), cleanNativePluginEventsListener().

By registering state observers, you receive callbacks for this action on the meeting object.

class RoomStateNotifier extends DyteMeetingRoomEventsListener {


  void onMeetingRoomLeaveStarted() {
    /// on meeting room leave started

  void onMeetingRoomLeaveCompleted() {

    /// on meeting room left



For more examples, please refer to the Documentation.

About #

dyte_core is created & maintained by Dyte, Inc. You can find us on Twitter - @dyte_io or write to us at dev@dyte.io.

The names and logos for Dyte are trademarks of Dyte, Inc.

We love open source software! See our other projects and our products.