dynamic_color 1.7.0
dynamic_color: ^1.7.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package to create Material color schemes based on a platform's implementation of dynamic color.
dynamic_color #
A Flutter package to create Material color schemes based on a platform's implementation of dynamic color. Currently supported platforms are:
- Android S+: user wallpaper color
- For color schemes from content color, use
- For color schemes from content color, use
- Linux: GTK+ theme's
- macOS: app accent color
- Windows: accent color or window/glass color
This package also supports color and color scheme harmonization.
Getting started #
flutter pub add dynamic_color
import 'package:dynamic_color/dynamic_color.dart';
Features #
Builder widget #
is a stateful widget
that provides the device's dynamic colors in a light and dark ColorScheme
builder: (ColorScheme? lightDynamic, ColorScheme? darkDynamic) {
return ...;
Plugin #
Under the hood, DynamicColorBuilder
uses a plugin to talk to the OS.
Color and color scheme harmonization #
Harmonization makes adding and introducing new colors to your app more seamless by automatically shifting hue and chroma slightly so that a product's colors feel more cohesive with user colors.
This package provides two extension methods to accomplish this:
Color color = Colors.red;
// Shift's [color]'s hue towards the (dynamic) color scheme's primary color. This leaves the color recognizable while harmonizing it with a user's dynamic color.
harmonizedColor = color.harmonizeWith(colorScheme.primary);
// Does the same thing, for ColorScheme built-in semantic colors
harmonizedColorScheme = colorScheme.harmonized();
See harmonization.dart for details. Learn more about custom colors and harmonization on the Material 3 site.
Examples #
See example/lib/complete_example.dart for obtaining dynamic colors, creating harmonized color schemes, and harmonizing custom colors.
See example/lib/accent_color.dart for obtaining the accent color on desktop.

All examples are part of this example app (source). To run the example app:
cd example
flutter run
Testing #
import 'package:dynamic_color/test_utils.dart';
import 'package:dynamic_color/samples.dart';
void main() {
// Reset for every test
setUp(() => DynamicColorTestingUtils.setMockDynamicColors());
testWidgets('Verify dynamic core palette is used ',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
corePalette: SampleCorePalettes.green,
// ...
See example/test/widget_test.dart for an example.
Development #
The example app is hosted via GitHub pages. To update it:
cd example
flutter build web