duck_router 6.0.1 duck_router: ^6.0.1 copied to clipboard
Intent-based router for Flutter, supporting deep linking, nesting and more.
duck_router #
A powerful intent-based router for Flutter, inspired by production-grade architectures in the mobile domain.
See also:
Features #
DuckRouter aims to be a router that just works.
- Intent-based Navigation: Make routing less error prone by defining routes as intents
- Interceptors: Add pre-navigation logic, perfect for authentication flows or feature flags.
- Type-safe: Leverage Dart's type system for safer routing.
- Dynamic routing registry: Routes do not need to be initialised before navigating to them, avoiding tricky bugs.
- Deeplinking: Adding deeplinking support is trivial, and works reliably.
- Nested Navigation Support: Easily support complex navigation scenarios.
Usage #
1. Define Your Locations #
Create locations (route classes) for each destination in your app. Add as many properties to the class as needed, with any type needed:
class HomeLocation extends Location {
const HomeLocation();
String get path => '/home';
LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const HomeScreen();
class Page1Location extends Location {
const Page1Location(;
final Money money; // Or any other type
String get path => '/page1';
LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const Page1Screen(money);
2. Create Interceptors #
If wanted, create interceptors to redirect users.
class AuthInterceptor extends LocationInterceptor {
Location? execute(Location to, Location? from) {
if (!loggedIn) {
return const LoginLocation();
return null;
3. Set Up the Router #
Add the router to your app:
final router = DuckRouter(initialLocation: ...);
return MaterialApp.router(
routerConfig: router,
4. Navigate #
Now you can navigate:
DuckRouter.of(context).navigate(to: const Page1Location(money));