Stateful navigation topic
To enable nested navigation, such as for a bottom bar implementation, you can use StatefulLocation
class RootLocation extends StatefulLocation {
String get path => 'root';
List<Location> get children => [
const Child1Location(),
const Child2Location(),
/// Note: here, we have implemented the childBuilder in place. We of
/// course recommend making this its own class.
StatefulLocationBuilder get childBuilder => (c, shell) => Scaffold(
body: shell,
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
items: const [
icon: Icon(Icons.home),
label: 'Page 1',
icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
label: 'Page 2',
onTap: (value) => shell.switchChild(value),
class Child1Location extends Location {
const Child1Location();
String get path => 'child1';
LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const Page1Screen();
class Child2Location extends Location {
const Child2Location();
String get path => 'child2';
LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const Page2Screen();
That's it. Then, when navigating you have two options:
// Navigate while still showing the bottom bar, i.e. inside the child navigator
DuckRouter.of(context).navigate(to: const DetailLocation());
// Navigate while not showing the bottom bar, i.e. on root navigator
DuckRouter.of(context).navigate(to: const DetailLocation(), root: true);
Note that you might want to consider saving location instances in memory to avoid the instantiation.
- DuckRouter Configuration Deep linking Custom pages and transitions
- Creates a DuckRouter.
- DuckShell
- The DuckShell is a Widget that manages state for a StatefulLocation. It allows switching between the children of that location.