drun 7.0.0
drun: ^7.0.0 copied to clipboard
A dartlang task runner, write functions and call them in your terminal.
drun #
A dartlang task runner, write functions and call them in your terminal.
Installation #
- Install dartlang https://dart.dev/get-dart
- Then install drun globally:
pub global activate drun
- Then install drun into your local project where your
Experimental dart2native binaries #
You may prefer to install the global drun
command as single statically compiled binary.
NOTE: You still need the dart SDK installed!
Direct download
Go to https://github.com/brad-jones/drun/releases and download the archive for
your Operating System, extract the drun
binary and and add it to your $PATH
Curl Bash
curl -L https://github.com/brad-jones/drun/releases/latest/download/drun-linux-x64.tar.gz -o- | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/bin drun
RPM package
sudo rpm -i https://github.com/brad-jones/drun/releases/latest/download/drun-linux-x64.rpm
DEB package
curl -sLO https://github.com/brad-jones/drun/releases/latest/download/drun-linux-x64.deb && sudo dpkg -i drun-linux-x64.deb && rm drun-linux-x64.deb
brew install brad-jones/tap/drun
scoop bucket add brad-jones https://github.com/brad-jones/scoop-bucket.git;
scoop install drun;
Usage #
name: my_project
# You should probably fix the version of drun but leaving it blank will
# download the latest version and get you started.
import 'package:drun/drun.dart';
Future main(argv) => drun(argv);
Future myTask() => task((drun) => drun.log('Hello World'));
Execute with drun my-task
see ./example/README.md for more details