dropdown_text_search 0.0.1 dropdown_text_search: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A Dropdown search widget with uses a text filed as its search bar.
Features #
A Dropdown List with TextField search and Keyboard support.
Arrow_UP & Arrow_DOWN : for travelling in the list
Enter_KEY : Selects the current selected item in the list
Escape_KEY : Closes the Dropdown overlay and reset the search TextField
Note : Currently, only working for String list items.
Getting started #
Add this line to your file.
import 'package:dropdown_text_search/src/flutter_dropdown_text_search.dart';
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Usage #
TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to /example
width: 250,
child: DropdownTextSearch(
onChange: (val){
_controller.text = val;
noItemFoundText: "Invalid Search",
controller: _controller,
overlayHeight: 300,
items: citiesData,
filterFnc: (String a,String b){
return a.toLowerCase().startsWith(b.toLowerCase());
decorator: UIComponents.inputDecoration(
context: context,
hint: "All"
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Additional information #
Repo: dropdown_text_search
Found any issues, report here