dospace 0.13.15 dospace: ^0.13.15 copied to clipboard
Client library to interact with the DigitalOcean Spaces API. Same API as Amazon AWS S3.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:dospace/dospace.dart' as dospace;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
const String region = "nyc3";
const String accessKey = "";
const String secretKey = "";
const String bucketName = "";
main() async {
dospace.Spaces spaces = new dospace.Spaces(
region: region,
accessKey: accessKey,
secretKey: secretKey,
for (String name in await spaces.listAllBuckets()) {
print('bucket: ${name}');
dospace.Bucket bucket = spaces.bucket(name);
await for (dospace.BucketContent content
in bucket.listContents(maxKeys: 3)) {
print('key: ${content.key}');
dospace.Bucket bucket = spaces.bucket(bucketName);
String? etag = await bucket.uploadFile(
'', '', 'text/plain', dospace.Permissions.public);
print('upload: $etag');
// Basic pre-signed URL
print('list buckets: ${spaces.preSignListAllBuckets()}');
// Basic pre-signed upload
String preSignUrl = bucket.preSignUpload('')!;
print('upload url: ${preSignUrl}');
var httpClient = new http.Client();
var httpRequest = new http.Request('PUT', Uri.parse(preSignUrl));
http.StreamedResponse httpResponse = await httpClient.send(httpRequest);
String body = await utf8.decodeStream(;
print('${httpResponse.statusCode} ${httpResponse.reasonPhrase}');
// Pre-signed upload with specific payload
var input = new File('');
int contentLength = await input.length();
Digest contentSha256 = await sha256.bind(input.openRead()).first;
String preSignUrl = bucket.preSignUpload('',
contentLength: contentLength, contentSha256: contentSha256)!;
print('strict upload url: ${preSignUrl}');
var httpClient = new http.Client();
var httpRequest = new http.Request('PUT', Uri.parse(preSignUrl));
http.StreamedResponse httpResponse = await httpClient.send(httpRequest);
String body = await utf8.decodeStream(;
print('${httpResponse.statusCode} ${httpResponse.reasonPhrase}');