djangoflow_openapi 0.1.22 djangoflow_openapi: ^0.1.22 copied to clipboard
DjangoFlow OpenAPI API Client
djangoflow_openapi (EXPERIMENTAL) #
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.0.1 (v1)
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
Requirements #
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (
- JSON Serializable 6.1.5+ (
Installation & Usage # #
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
djangoflow_openapi: 0.1.22
Github #
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
Local development #
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/djangoflow_openapi
Getting Started #
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:djangoflow_openapi/djangoflow_openapi.dart';
final api = DjangoflowOpenapi().getAuthApi();
final OTPObtainRequest oTPObtainRequest = ; // OTPObtainRequest |
try {
final response = await api.authOtpCreate(oTPObtainRequest);
} catch on DioError (e) {
print("Exception when calling AuthApi->authOtpCreate: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints #
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthApi | authOtpCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/otp/ | |
AuthApi | authOtpDevicesConfirmCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/otp-devices/{id}/confirm/ | |
AuthApi | authOtpDevicesCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/otp-devices/ | |
AuthApi | authOtpDevicesDestroy | DELETE /api/v1/auth/otp-devices/{id}/ | |
AuthApi | authOtpDevicesList | GET /api/v1/auth/otp-devices/ | |
AuthApi | authOtpDevicesRetrieve | GET /api/v1/auth/otp-devices/{id}/ | |
AuthApi | authSocialConnectCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/social/connect/ | |
AuthApi | authSocialCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/social/ | |
AuthApi | authTokenBlacklistCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/token/blacklist/ | |
AuthApi | authTokenCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/token/ | |
AuthApi | authTokenRefreshCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/token/refresh/ | |
AuthApi | authTokenVerifyCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/token/verify/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/users/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersPartialUpdate | PATCH /api/v1/auth/users/{id}/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersRetrieve | GET /api/v1/auth/users/{id}/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersSetPasswordCreate | POST /api/v1/auth/users/{id}/set-password/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersTwoFaPartialUpdate | PATCH /api/v1/auth/users/{id}/two-fa/ | |
AuthApi | authUsersTwoFaRetrieve | GET /api/v1/auth/users/{id}/two-fa/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsCreate | POST /api/v1/chat/rooms/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsDestroy | DELETE /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsList | GET /api/v1/chat/rooms/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMemberCreate | POST /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/member/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMembersRetrieve | GET /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/members/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesCreate | POST /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesDestroy | DELETE /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesList | GET /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesPartialUpdate | PATCH /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesRetrieve | GET /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsMessagesUpdate | PUT /api/v1/chat/rooms/{room_id}/messages/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsPartialUpdate | PATCH /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsRetrieve | GET /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/ | |
ChatApi | chatRoomsUpdate | PUT /api/v1/chat/rooms/{id}/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsActionCategoriesList | GET /api/v1/notifications/action-categories/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesCreate | POST /api/v1/notifications/devices/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesDestroy | DELETE /api/v1/notifications/devices/{registration_id}/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesList | GET /api/v1/notifications/devices/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesPartialUpdate | PATCH /api/v1/notifications/devices/{registration_id}/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesRetrieve | GET /api/v1/notifications/devices/{registration_id}/ | |
NotificationsApi | notificationsDevicesUpdate | PUT /api/v1/notifications/devices/{registration_id}/ | |
RemoteconfigApi | remoteconfigRetrieve | GET /api/v1/remoteconfig/ |
Documentation For Models #
- ActionEnum
- ChangePasswordRequest
- ChatMessage
- ChatMessageRequest
- ChatRoom
- ChatRoomMemberList
- ChatRoomMembers
- ChatRoomMembersRequest
- ChatRoomRequest
- ChatTypeEnum
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- OTPDevice
- OTPDeviceConfirmRequest
- OTPDeviceRequest
- OTPDeviceTypeEnum
- OTPObtain
- OTPObtainRequest
- PaginatedChatMessageList
- PaginatedChatRoomList
- PaginatedOTPDeviceList
- PaginatedUserDeviceList
- PatchedChatMessageRequest
- PatchedChatRoomRequest
- PatchedUser2FARequest
- PatchedUserDeviceRequest
- PatchedUserIdentityRequest
- ProviderEnum
- PushAction
- PushActionCategory
- RemoteConfig
- SocialTokenObtainRequest
- Token
- TokenBlacklistRequest
- TokenObtainRequest
- TokenRefreshRequest
- TokenVerifyRequest
- User
- User2FA
- UserDevice
- UserDeviceRequest
- UserDeviceTypeEnum
- UserIdentity
- UserIdentityRequest
- UserRequest
Documentation For Authorization #
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
basicAuth #
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
cookieAuth #
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: sessionid
- Location:
jwtAuth #
- Type: HTTP basic authentication