djangoflow_auth 0.3.0+4 copy "djangoflow_auth: ^0.3.0+4" to clipboard
djangoflow_auth: ^0.3.0+4 copied to clipboard

djangoflow_auth is your ultimate Flutter authentication companion, packed with Djangoflow API supports.

0.3.0+4 #

  • FIX: check if signed in before logging out. (e830367e)

0.3.0+3 #

  • REFACTOR: use latest dependency. (7ffec4dc)
  • REFACTOR: upgrade to flutter_lint 3.0.1. (ebfc2663)

0.3.0+2 #

  • REFACTOR: update djangoflow_openapi dependency. (993a8c5b)

0.3.0+1 #

  • REFACTOR: update dependencies. (ba8d8a77)

0.3.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: update tests. (c08d86d6)
  • FEAT: add HydratedAuthCubitBase abstract class. (356ba929)
  • DOCS: update README. (09286317)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: AuthCubit now extends HydratedAuthCubitBase. (804a5e08)

0.2.2+1 #

  • REFACTOR: update djangoflow_openapi dependency. (b486077c)

0.2.2 #

  • REFACTOR: rename authUserCreate -> authUsersCreate. (30c0e73a)
  • FEAT: add changePassword. (c75f2735)

0.2.1+6 #

  • REFACTOR: update registerOrInviteUser. (6ef61571)

0.2.1+5 #

  • REFACTOR: rename credentailToTokenLogin to obtainTokenAndLogin. (98911fd1)

0.2.1+4 #

  • REFACTOR: rename loginWithOTP to credentialToTokenLogin for clarity. (5d83770a)

0.2.1+3 #

  • FIX: wrong return type for UserSignup via generic. (e5174289)

0.2.1+2 #

  • FIX: wrong return type for UserSignup. (4fef0941)

0.2.1+1 #

  • REFACTOR: update SocialTokenObtainProviderEnum provider to ProviderEnum. (f6685e40)
  • REFACTOR: rename loginWithOTP to loginWithOTP. (b7aa9dd3)
  • REFACTOR: requestOtp now takes OTPObtainRequest instead of only email. (bbe91299)
  • REFACTOR: renamed registrationWithEmail to registerOrInviteUser. (746a1c3d)
  • DOCS: update SocialTokenObtainProviderEnum provider to ProviderEnum. (0c231686)
  • DOCS: update method documentation. (0988879c)

0.2.1 #

  • FEAT(auth): add JwtAuthInterceptor. (6378e6e5)

0.2.0+1 #

  • REFACTOR(auth): re-structure files for better organization. (62e836aa)
  • DOCS(auth): update README. (6a9e75a5)

0.2.0 #

  • Updated djangoflow_openapi depdendency
  • Breaking Changes Changed ProviderEnum to SocialTokenObtainProviderEnum

0.1.1 #

  • Added example URL

0.1.0 #

  • Removed implementations of SocialLogin support from djangoflow_auth, but they are now in djangoflow_auth_google, djangoflow_auth_facebook, djangoflow_auth_apple, djangoflow_auth_discord.
  • Added SocialLoginListExtensions

Breaking Changes

// Before
abstract class SocialLogin<R> {
  /// The name of the provider
  final ProviderEnum type;
// After
abstract class SocialLogin<R> {
  /// Type of SocialLogin
  final SocialLoginType type;

0.0.1 #

We are excited to announce the initial release of djangoflow_auth!


  • Initial release of the djangoflow_auth Flutter package.
  • Support for Google, Facebook, Apple, and Discord social logins.
  • Integration with bloc, dio, and hydrated_bloc for handling authentication.
  • Example code snippets showcasing usage of different social login providers.
pub points



djangoflow_auth is your ultimate Flutter authentication companion, packed with Djangoflow API supports.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


bloc, collection, dio, djangoflow_openapi, flutter, freezed_annotation, hydrated_bloc, universal_html, uuid


Packages that depend on djangoflow_auth