discordcdn 0.0.1 discordcdn: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Discord as a CDN! Upload images with ease to Discord and serve them in your applications!
example #
There are two examples you can use to try discordcdn
. The easiest one is yet to arrive, a Flutter web application that prompts you the needed credentials (bot token and channel id) and the URL of an image to upload. The other example is a standalone Dart application, found in the cli
final botToken = '<bot_token>';
final channelId = '<channel_id>';
// Create discord client that interacts as a bot
final discordClient = withBotToken(botToken);
// Upload image
final uploadImageResult = await discordClient.uploadImage(
image: DiscordUploadableImage(
bytes: dart_logo_bytes,
format: 'jpeg',
name: 'my super cool image',
channelId: channelId,
// Tadaaaam!