dio_smart_retry 7.0.1 copy "dio_smart_retry: ^7.0.1" to clipboard
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Retry library for Dio and Dio package made with love. By default, the request will be retried only for appropriate retryable http statuses.

Stable versions of dio_smart_retry

VersionMin Dart SDKUploadedDocumentationArchive
7.0.1Null safety3.02 months agoGo to the documentation of dio_smart_retry 7.0.1Download dio_smart_retry 7.0.1 archive
7.0.0Null safety3.02 months agoGo to the documentation of dio_smart_retry 7.0.0Download dio_smart_retry 7.0.0 archive
6.0.0Null safety3.014 months agoGo to the documentation of dio_smart_retry 6.0.0Download dio_smart_retry 6.0.0 archive
5.0.0Null safety2.1222 months agoGo to the documentation of dio_smart_retry 5.0.0Download dio_smart_retry 5.0.0 archive
1.4.0Null safety2.122 years agoGo to the documentation of dio_smart_retry 1.4.0Download dio_smart_retry 1.4.0 archive
1.3.2Null safety2.122 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.3.2 archive
1.3.1Null safety2.122 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.3.1 archive
1.3.0Null safety2.122 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.3.0 archive
1.2.0Null safety2.122 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.2.0 archive
1.1.0Null safety2.123 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.1.0 archive
1.0.3Null safety2.123 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.0.3 archive
1.0.2Null safety2.123 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.0.2 archive
1.0.1Null safety2.123 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.0.1 archive
1.0.0Null safety2.123 years agoDownload dio_smart_retry 1.0.0 archive

Prerelease versions of dio_smart_retry

VersionMin Dart SDKUploadedDocumentationArchive
2.0.1-dioxNull safety2.1223 months agoDownload dio_smart_retry 2.0.1-diox archive
2.0.0-dioxNull safety2.1223 months agoDownload dio_smart_retry 2.0.0-diox archive


verified publisherrodion-m.ru

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Retry library for Dio and Dio package made with love. By default, the request will be retried only for appropriate retryable http statuses.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


dio, http_parser, path


Packages that depend on dio_smart_retry