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df_pod: ^0.7.1 copied to clipboard

A package offering tools to manage app state using ValueNotifier-like objects called Pods.

DF Pod #

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Dart & Flutter Packages by DevCetra.com & contributors.

Pub Package MIT License

Summary #

This package provides tools for managing app state using ValueNotifier-like objects called Pods (an acronym for "Points of Data"). For a practical demonstration of how Pods work in conjunction with GetIt for state management, refer to this example. For a full feature set, please refer to the API reference.

Quickstart #

// Define a Pod, similar to how you would define a ValueNotifier.
final pNumbers = Pod<List<int>>([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// Use the Pod in your UI, similar to a ValueListenableBuilder.
  pod: pNumbers,
  builder: (context, numbers, child) {
    return Text('Count: ${numbers.length}');

// Set a Pod with the set function. This will trigger PodBuilder to rebuild.
pNumbers.set([1, 2, 4]);

// Update a pod with the update function. This will also trigger PodBuilder to rebuild.
pNumbers.update((e) => e..add(5));

// Dispose of Pods when they are no longer needed.

// If the Pod<T> type T is a primitive type or implements an Equatable, the PodBuilder will only rebuild if the Pod's value actually changed.
final pHelloWorld = Pod('Hello World');
pHelloWorld.set('Hello World'); // this will not trigger a rebuild, as String is a primitive, pass-by-value type.

// A Pod can be transformed into a ChildPod using the map function.
final pLength = pNumbers.map((e) => e!.length);
final ChildPod<List<int>, int> pSum = pNumbers.map((e) => e!.reduce((a, b) => a + b));

// A ChildPod can be further mapped into another ChildPod.
final pInverseLength = pLength.map((e) => 1 / e!);

// ChildPods don't need to be manually disposed; they are disposed automatically when their parent is disposed.
pInverseLength.dispose(); // This will print a warning!

// You can use multiple Pods with a PodListBuilder.
  podList: [pLength, pSum],
  builder: (context, values, child) {
    final [length, sum] = values.toList();
    return Text('Length is $length and sum is $sum');

// Pods can also be reduced into a single, ChildPod:
final pZero = pLength.reduce(pInverseLength, (p1, p2) => p1.value * p2.value); // pZero will be disposed if either pLength or pInverseLength is disposed.

Installation #

Use this package as a dependency by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file (see here).

Contributing and Discussions #

This is an open-source project, and we warmly welcome contributions from everyone, regardless of experience level. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, contributing to this project is a fantastic way to learn, share your knowledge, and make a meaningful impact on the community.

Ways you can contribute: #

  • Join the discussions and ask questions: Your curiosity can lead to valuable insights and improvements.
  • Buy me a coffee: If you'd like to support the project financially, consider buying me a coffee. Your support helps cover the costs of development and keeps the project growing.
  • Share your ideas: Every perspective matters, and your ideas can spark innovation.
  • Report bugs: Help us identify and fix issues to make the project more robust.
  • Suggest improvements or new features: Your ideas can help shape the future of the project.
  • Help clarify documentation: Good documentation is key to accessibility. You can make it easier for others to get started by improving or expanding our documentation.
  • Write articles: Share your knowledge by writing tutorials, guides, or blog posts about your experiences with the project. It's a great way to contribute and help others learn.

No matter how you choose to contribute, your involvement is greatly appreciated and valued!

Join Reddit Discussions: #

💬 https://www.reddit.com/r/df_pod/

Join GitHub Discussions: #

💬 https://github.com/robmllze/df_pod/discussions/

Chief Maintainer: #

📧 Email Robert Mollentze at robmllze@gmail.com

Dontations: #

If you're enjoying this package and find it valuable, consider showing your appreciation with a small donation. Every bit helps in supporting future development. You can donate here:


License #

This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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verified publisherdevcetra.com

A package offering tools to manage app state using ValueNotifier-like objects called Pods.

Repository (GitHub)
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#bloc #dependency-injection #reactive-programming #state #state-management


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unknown (license)


df_type, equatable, flutter, shared_preferences, tuple


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