df_collection 0.4.0 copy "df_collection: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
df_collection: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

A package designed to extend Dart collections by offering additional functionality.

DF - Collection #

Buy Me A Coffee

Dart & Flutter Packages by DevCetra.com & contributors.

pub package MIT License

Summary #

A package designed to extend Dart collections by offering additional functionality. For a full feature set, please refer to the API reference.

Usage Example #

// Traverse a map using a list of keys and a set a new value.
Map buffer = {};
buffer.traverse([1, 2, 3, 4], newValue: 5);
print(buffer); // {1: {2: {3: {4: 5}}}}
print(buffer.traverse([1, 2, 3, 4])); // 5

Installation #

Use this package as a dependency by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file (see here).

Contributing and Discussions #

This is an open-source project, and we warmly welcome contributions from everyone, regardless of experience level. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, contributing to this project is a fantastic way to learn, share your knowledge, and make a meaningful impact on the community.

Ways you can contribute: #

  • Buy me a coffee: If you'd like to support the project financially, consider buying me a coffee. Your support helps cover the costs of development and keeps the project growing.
  • Share your ideas: Every perspective matters, and your ideas can spark innovation.
  • Report bugs: Help us identify and fix issues to make the project more robust.
  • Suggest improvements or new features: Your ideas can help shape the future of the project.
  • Help clarify documentation: Good documentation is key to accessibility. You can make it easier for others to get started by improving or expanding our documentation.
  • Write articles: Share your knowledge by writing tutorials, guides, or blog posts about your experiences with the project. It's a great way to contribute and help others learn.

No matter how you choose to contribute, your involvement is greatly appreciated and valued!

Chief Maintainer: #

📧 Email Robert Mollentze at robmllze@gmail.com

Dontations: #

If you're enjoying this package and find it valuable, consider showing your appreciation with a small donation. Every bit helps in supporting future development. You can donate here:


License #

This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

pub points


verified publisherdevcetra.com

A package designed to extend Dart collections by offering additional functionality.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#collection #json #list #map #utils


API reference


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MIT (license)


collection, df_type


Packages that depend on df_collection