dependabot_gen 1.2.0 dependabot_gen: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard
Dependabot gen is a Dart CLI tool to assist in the creation and maintenance of dependabot.yaml files in a project.
command #
This command will search for packages to be covered by the repos dependabot.yaml
. If a dependabot.yaml
already exists, it will keep the existing valid entries and remove the invalid ones (outdated).
$ depgen create
# Only consider some package ecosystems, and also ignore some paths for package verification.
$ depgen create --ecosystems cargo,pub,npm --ignore-paths test/fixtures
# Sets "some/path" as repository root and creates update entries with "monthly" schedules.
# Also sets the output to verbose.
$ depgen create --repo-root some/path --schedule-interval monthly --verbose
# See what else is available
$ depgen create --help
command #
This is mostly just like create
, except it is a "dry-run", which means it will not create nor modify any files and will return a non-success code if it encounters anything that should be changed. It's ideal to run on CI.
$ depgen diagnose
# Only consider some package ecosystems, and also ignore some paths for package verification.
$ depgen diagnose --ecosystems cargo,pub,npm --ignore-paths test/fixtures
# See what else is available
$ depgen diagnose --help