dative_core 0.0.13 copy "dative_core: ^0.0.13" to clipboard
dative_core: ^0.0.13 copied to clipboard

Dative Core and Support

Getting started #

  1. Purchase the app in codecanyon.net, to see supported apps, please search word 'dative'
  2. Go to https://support.dative.me and register an account then the app
  3. Then import your purchased app in your computer and install.

For more information please check the purchased app documentation

Usage #

This package will already be included in your app, but you can update it to use latest version or in case that you don't have it First, add dative_core as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  dative_core: ^0.0.13

Don't forget to flutter pub get.

1. Configure your app #

Customize the following settings and add to your project's pubspec.yaml.

  # Config of your Purchase Code and Validation Key
  # validation_key you get it in our support https://support.dative.me
  # purchase_code you get it in codecanyon.net or in our support https://support.dative.me
    validation_key: "eyJpZCI6ImZzYWZza2xzbGxkYTlk=="
    purchase_code: "7Ue1c2f2-b5e8-4704-b82f-84b84104b096"

  # Setup Your app crucial credentials
    app_name: "Dative App"
    facebook_app_id: "539301749834685"
    facebook_client_token: "9ff5c730a2e84dd93edo9fee7f3b4358"
    admob_app_id_ios: "ca-app-pub-93188637494690~2094289339"
    admob_app_id_android: "ca-app-pub-9310934613494690~2094289339"
    firebase_web_client_id: "720177134536-6kedeg9t63is98ni6rOKsdsb5brq8b.apps.googleusercontent.com"

  # Files required to automatically setup the project
    google_file_android: assets/files/google-services.json
    google_file_ios: assets/files/GoogleService-Info.plist
    google_file_web: assets/files/google-services-web.js

2. Run the package #

After adding your settings to pubspec.yaml, run the following command in the terminal:

dart run dative_core:install

When the package finishes running, you will get successful messages or error message with description.

Additional information #

If you need any help, please submit a ticket at https://support.dative.me