date_colors 0.0.1 copy "date_colors: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
date_colors: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package to generate a color scheme based on a date.

DateColors Banner

DateColors #

DateColors is a Flutter package to generate a color scheme based on a date. The color scheme includes a color for the calendar day and a color for the year.

Consider taking a look into the manual for specifications and color codes.

Visit our website for more details.

Created and maintained by LitLifeSoftware.

Features #

  • Generate a color based on the current year.
  • Generate a color based on the season of the current year.
  • Generate a combined color based on the current year and the season of the current year.
  • Generate an unique color of the current year.
  • Generate an unique color based on the date.
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Getting started #

For help getting started with Flutter, view Flutter's online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Usage #

To use DateColors in your Flutter app make sure to import it by including the code line import 'package:date_colors/date_colors.dart'; in the header part of your .dart file.

Create a DateColorScheme instance by providing a DateTime object.

DateColorScheme scheme = DateColorScheme(;
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Access the generated colors by calling the scheme's properties.

Color color = scheme.colorOfTheSeason;
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The /example folder contains an example app demonstrating how DateColors could be implemented.

Dependencies #

DateColors uses the following Dart dependencies in order to implement certain features and functionality:

  • crypto - License (Creates a hash required to generate unique colors)

Credits #

DateColors is made possible thanks to the Flutter Project.

License #

The source code of this repository is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license as specified in the LICENSE file.



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2024.08.25 - 2025.03.09

A Flutter package to generate a color scheme based on a date.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


crypto, flutter


Packages that depend on date_colors