datadog_flutter 2.0.0 copy "datadog_flutter: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
datadog_flutter: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

Community implementation of native bindings for Datadog's SDK. Not an official package.


Use the Official Datadog Flutter SDK Instead of This Package #

This package has been deprecated in favor of the official Datadog Flutter SDK. Please see the announcement or skip ahead to the new, official repo.

Datadog Flutter #

Community implementation of native bindings for Datadog's SDK. This is not an official package.

Setup #

  1. Generate a client token from Datadog through the Settings > API panel (under Client Tokens). If you're using RUM, do not toggle between the RUM platform client tokens.
  2. Initialize:
    await DatadogFlutter.initialize(
      clientToken: myDatadogClientToken,
      serviceName: 'my-app-name',
      environment: 'production',
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  3. Associate RUM and log events (optional):
    await DatadogFlutter.setUserInfo(id: <YOUR_USER_ID>);
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  4. Acknowledge TrackingConsent at initialization or later within your application. Events will not be logged until trackingConsent is .granted. This value can be updated via DatadogFlutter.updateTrackingConsent.

⚠️ Your Podfile must have use_frameworks! (Flutter includes this by default) and your minimum iOS target must be >= 11. This is a requirement from the Datadog SDK.

Flutter Web Caveats #

The Datadog scripts need to be inserted in your index.html document. Please add both the logging script and the RUM script to their own <script> tags. DO NOT add the .init on .onReady code.

Logging #

In its default implementation, log data will only be transmitted to Datadog through Logger records. print statements are not guaranteed to be captured.

ddLogger = DatadogLogger(loggerName: 'orders');
// optionally set a value for HOST
// ddLogger.addAttribute('hostname', <DEVICE IDENTIFIER>);

ddLogger.addTag('restaurant_type', 'pizza');

// add attribute to every log
ddLogger.addAttribute('toppings', 'extra_cheese');

// add atttributes to some logs
ddLogger.log('time to cook pizza', Level.FINE, attributes: {
  'durationInMilliseconds': timer.elapsedMilliseconds,
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Flutter Web Caveats #

  • addTag and removeTag are not invoked and resolve silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.

Real User Monitoring #

RUM adds support for error, event, and screen tracking. The integration requires additional configuration for each service.

  1. Supply an application ID to initialize:
    await DatadogFlutter.initialize(
      clientToken: myDatadogClientToken,
      serviceName: 'my-app-name',
      environment: 'production',
      iosRumApplicationId: myiOSRumApplicationId,
      androidRumApplicationId: myAndroidRumApplicationId,
      webRumApplicationId: myWebRumApplicationId,
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  2. Automatically track screens:
      // ...your material config...
      home: HomeScreen(),
      navigatorObservers: [
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  3. Automatically report errors (on iOS deployments be sure to upload your dSYMs):
    void main() async {
      // Capture Flutter errors automatically:
      FlutterError.onError = DatadogRum.instance.addFlutterError;
      // Catch errors without crashing the app:
      runZonedGuarded(() {
      }, (error, stackTrace) {
        DatadogRum.instance.addError(error, stackTrace);
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  4. Manually track additional events (please note that Android will only report RUMAction.custom events):
    GestureDetector(onTap: () {
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  5. Manually track additional errors:
    try {
      throw StateError();
    } catch (e, st) {
      DatadogRum.instance.addError(e, st);
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  6. Manually track network requests or resources:
    await DatadogRum.startResourceLoading(
      url: '',
      method: RUMResources.get,
    await DatadogRum.stopResourceLoading(
      statusCode: 500,
      errorMessage: 'Internal Server Error' ,
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Flutter Web Caveats #

  • addUserAction ignores the action when using Flutter web.
  • updateTrackingConsent is not invoked and fails silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • stopView is not invoked and fails silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • startUserAction and stopStopUserAction are not invoked and fail silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • startResourceLoading and stopResourceLoading are not invoked and resolve silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • setUserInfo does not support custom attributes when using Flutter web. This is due to Dart's method of strongly typing JS. Only name, id, and email are supported.

Tracing #

Associate your HTTP requests with your backend service. Be sure to setup (usually immediately after DatadogFlutter.initialize):

await DatadogTracing.initialize();
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For one-off requests, instantiate a fresh client:

final httpClient = DatadogTracingHttpClient();
// make requests
final response = await httpClient.get(Uri(string: '');
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For frameworks that use an internal client like Brick, compose the client:

  client: DatadogTracingHttpClient();
// or compose if another client is already being used:
  client: DatadogTracingHttpClient(GZipHttpClient());
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How do I disable logging when I'm developing locally? #

By default, the DatadogFlutter default constructor will send all logs from Logger to Datadog. To ignore, set bindOnRecord:

DatadogLogger(bindOnRecord: false)
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And log conditionally later:

Logger.root.onRecord.listen((record) async {
  if (shouldSendToDatadog) {
  } else {
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2024.09.09 - 2025.03.24

Community implementation of native bindings for Datadog's SDK. Not an official package.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, http, js, logging, meta


Packages that depend on datadog_flutter