databinder 0.2.0 copy "databinder: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
databinder: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Dart 1 only

Data binding via object mirrors.

DataBinder #

Data binding is a technique used to maintain synchronization of data. And it's a key component of most MVP/MVVM frameworks.

DataBinder is a Dart library implementing data binding via object mirrors. Though the primary focus of the library is to be used by frameworks, it can be used directly as well.

Core principles #

Do all bindings dynamically => no compilation

I strongly believe that runtime binding is more advantageous than compilation.

  • No extra steps in the build process
  • Easier to understand
  • Templates can be built dynamically or retrieved from a database

Provide extension points for frameworks

To be a good foundation for building MV* frameworks Databinder should support custom binders.

How to use it #

Add the databinder dependency to your pubspec.yaml #

name:  sampleapp
  databinder: any

Define a view model #

class Person {
  String firstName, lastName;
  bool married;

  Person(this.firstName, this.lastName);

    firstName = firstName.toUpperCase();
    lastName = lastName.toUpperCase();

    firstName = firstName.toLowerCase();
    lastName = lastName.toLowerCase();

  get children {
	return [new Person("Sam", "Smith"), new Person("Liz", "Smith")]

Just 3 methods #

  • bind - registers model and DOM watchers
  • unbind - unregisters all the registred watchers
  • digest - triggers all the registered model watchers

One-way data binding #

<fieldset id="one-way">
  First name {{firstName}}
  Last name {{lastName}}

To bind:

var person = new Person("Jim", "Smith");
var element = query("#one-way");
var binder = new DataBinder.root(element, person);

To unbind:


Two-way data binding #

<fieldset id="two-way-form">
  First name <input data-bind="value:firstName"/>
  Last name <input data-bind="value:lastName"/>

To bind:

var person = new Person("Jim", "Smith");
var element = query("#two-way-form");
var binder = new DataBinder.root(element, person);

To unbind:


Binding actions #

<div id="actions">
  <button data-action="click:toUpperCase">TO UPPER CASE</button>
  <button data-action="click:toLowerCase">to lower case</button>

To bind:

var person = new Person("Jim", "Smith");
var element = query("#actions");
var binder = new DataBinder.root(element, person);

To unbind:


Conditionals #

<div data-template="true" data-if="married">
  {{firstName}} {{lastName}} is married

To bind:

var person = new Person("Jim", "Smith");
person.married = true;

var element = query("#actions");
var binder = new DataBinder.root(element, person);

You'll see:

Jim Smith is married

Repeaters #

<div data-template="true" data-iterate="child in children">
  {{child.firstName}} is a child of {{firstName}}

You'll see:

Sam is a child of Jim
Liz is a child of Jim

More control over binding #

var binder = new DataBinder.root(element, person);

is the equivalent of:

var boundObjects = new BoundObjects();
boundObjects.register("", person);

var scope = new Scope(boundObjects);

var transformations = new Transformations.standard();

var binder = new DataBinder(element, scope, transformations);

When creating a data binder you can configure the objects you want to bind, the scope, and the list of available transformations. All these objects are extendable.

Example app #

Check out the example application that comes with the package to see the library in action.

pub points


unverified uploader

Data binding via object mirrors.

View/report issues


unknown (license)


browser, unittest


Packages that depend on databinder