database_adapter_elasticsearch 0.1.0 copy "database_adapter_elasticsearch: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
database_adapter_elasticsearch: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Adapter between 'package:database' and ElasticSearch.

Pub Package Github Actions CI

Overview #

This is an adapter between database and ElasticSearch.

Getting started #

// Set up
final database = ElasticSearch(
  credentials: ElasticSearchPasswordCredentials(
    user: 'example user',
    password: 'example password'

// Insert a document
final document = await database.collection('example').insert({
  'greeting': 'Hello world!'

// Search documents
final results = await database.collection('example').search(
  query: Query.parse(
    'world hello',
    skip: 0,
    take: 10,