dashed_circular_progress_bar 0.0.6 dashed_circular_progress_bar: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
Dashed circular progress bar shows the progress of a task in a circle, which can be customized in color, style, and shape.
Dashed circular progress bar #
Open source flutter package, Dashed circular progress bar for flutter apps.
Getting Started #
Installing #
Add this line to the pubspec.yaml file below the dependencies:
dashed_circular_progress_bar: ^0.0.6
Now to use, import this package into the desired file as follows:
import 'package:dashed_circular_progress_bar/dashed_circular_progress_bar.dart';
Basic examples #
Here are some simple examples you can use to create this package:
Example 1 - Simple progress bar #
First of all, to access the amount of progress when doing animation, you need to define a ValueNotifier:
final ValueNotifier<double> _valueNotifier = ValueNotifier(0);
Then add it to the widget:
aspectRatio: 1, // width ÷ height
valueNotifier: _valueNotifier,
progress: 478,
maxProgress: 670,
corners: StrokeCap.butt,
foregroundColor: Colors.blue,
backgroundColor: const Color(0xffeeeeee),
foregroundStrokeWidth: 36,
backgroundStrokeWidth: 36,
animation: true,
child: Center(
child: ValueListenableBuilder(
valueListenable: _valueNotifier,
builder: (_, double value, __) => Text(
style: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.black,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
fontSize: 60
Example 2 - Dashed background progress bar #
aspectRatio: 2, // width ÷ height
progress: 34,
startAngle: 270,
sweepAngle: 180,
circleCenterAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
foregroundColor: Colors.black,
backgroundColor: const Color(0xffeeeeee),
foregroundStrokeWidth: 3,
backgroundStrokeWidth: 2,
backgroundGapSize: 2,
backgroundDashSize: 1,
seekColor: Colors.yellow,
seekSize: 22,
animation: true,
Example 3 - More complex progress bar #
aspectRatio: 1, // width ÷ height
valueNotifier: _valueNotifier,
progress: 37,
startAngle: 225,
sweepAngle: 270,
foregroundColor: Colors.green,
backgroundColor: const Color(0xffeeeeee),
foregroundStrokeWidth: 15,
backgroundStrokeWidth: 15,
animation: true,
seekSize: 6,
seekColor: const Color(0xffeeeeee),
child: Center(
child: ValueListenableBuilder(
valueListenable: _valueNotifier,
builder: (_, double value, __) => Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
style: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.black,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
fontSize: 60
style: const TextStyle(
color: Color(0xffeeeeee),
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
fontSize: 16
Example 4 - Dashed progress bar #
You can also use the desired dimensions instead of aspect ratio.
dimensions: 350,
progress: 180,
maxProgress: 360,
startAngle: -27.5,
foregroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
backgroundColor: const Color(0xffeeeeee),
foregroundStrokeWidth: 7,
backgroundStrokeWidth: 7,
foregroundGapSize: 5,
foregroundDashSize: 55,
backgroundGapSize: 5,
backgroundDashSize: 55,
animation: true,
child: const Icon(
color: Colors.redAccent,
size: 126
Example 5 - Play with circle center alignment #
By changing the center, you can specify the location of the progress bar.
For example to make a progress bar in the shape of the first image (first row, first image from the left):
aspectRatio: 1, // width / height
progress: 60,
startAngle: 90,
sweepAngle: 90,
corners: StrokeCap.butt,
foregroundStrokeWidth: 7,
backgroundStrokeWidth: 7,
circleCenterAlignment: Alignment.topLeft,
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
backgroundColor: const Color(0x22000000),
animation: true
Parameters description #
Parameter | Default | Description |
width double |
0 | Progress bar width. |
height double |
0 | Progress bar height. |
aspectRatio double |
0 | Progress aspect ratio. |
progress double |
0 | Current value of progress bar. |
maxProgress double |
100 | Maximum value of progress. |
startAngle double |
0 | The starting angle of the arc. |
sweepAngle double |
360 | The sweep angle of the arc. |
foregroundStrokeWidth double |
2 | Foreground arc thickness. |
backgroundStrokeWidth double |
2 | Background arc thickness. |
foregroundColor Color |
Colors.blue | Foreground arc color. |
backgroundColor Color |
Colors.white | Background arc color. |
corners StrokeCap |
StrokeCap.round | Styles to use for arcs endings. |
foregroundGapSize double |
0 | Foreground arc gap size. |
foregroundDashSize double |
0 | Foreground arc dash size. |
backgroundGapSize double |
0 | Background arc gap size. |
backgroundDashSize double |
0 | Background arc dash size. |
seekSize double |
0 | Progress bar seek size. |
seekColor Color |
Colors.blue | Progress bar seek color. |
circleCenterAlignment Alignment |
Alignment.center | Align center of progress bar. |
animation bool |
false | Active progress bar animation. |
animationDuration Duration |
Duration(seconds: 1) | Progress bar animation duration. |
animationCurve Curve |
Curves.easeOut | Progress bar animation curve. |
onAnimationEnd void Function()? |
null | This function is called when animation ended. |
ltr bool |
true | Specifies how to draw arcs from right to left or vice versa. |
child Widget? |
null | This widget is placed on the progress bar. |
valueNotifier ValueNotifier? |
null | Animated value notifier. |