dartrocket 0.1.7+1
dartrocket: ^0.1.7+1 copied to clipboard
DartRocket is a HTML5 game framework written in Dart and which uses the StageXL rendering engine.
changelog #
This file contains highlights of what changes on each version of the DartRocket package.
Pub version 0.1.7+1
- Fix return bug in Shape constructor
- Moving centerPivot() into parent class
- More docs for Movement System
- Remove multiSprite
Pub version 0.1.7
- Added gravity example in DartRocket's repo
- Added Mask and Shape classes
- Added StateEvent(constant)
- Sound can be stopped
- New class for gravity
- Added centerPivot() for button
- GameObjectFactory can create basic shapes
- Major library refactor(library structure + unit tests)
- Upgrade to StageXL 0.10.3
- Improving DirectionSystem
Pub version 0.1.6
- Unified code structure
- new DirectionSystem class
- Added relative diagonal directions into constants/direction.dart
- new MovementSystem class
- new MovementControll mixin, which define how to use the MovementSystem class
- using MovementControll in Sprite and Camera class
- new physics directory, which contains the moving parts
- Exported Shape class, which means you can use basic canvas operations
Pub version 0.1.5
- Using vector based directions for controlling the sprite
- Acceleration added to the Sprite class
- Moving system example
- Getting started guide in the wiki
- onKeyDown and Up handler for keyboard
- CollideWorldBounds added to sprite, so you can't go outside of the bounds
- KillOutOfBounds added which can kill the sprite if it's go outside of the bounds
- min and max scale value for fullscreen mode
- Button has 3 isDown method to handle click or touch events
- Project template in repo
- Fix: using world instead of stage everywhere
- Camera can follow a sprite and you can unfollow it
- Camera example added
- Breaking: Removed name paramter from State constructor
- Added nextState parameter to killState and endState methods
- Removed Stream extend from State and made listen into a private method
- Updated the documentation
Pub version 0.1.4
- Physics class added with collison method
- Breaking change: load,create,update methods for a state
- GameObjectFactory can make every game object except Background.color
- Added autoHiDpi, isMobile, devicePixelRatio getter for game object
- Unit test added for StateManager
- New container classes: World and Camera for a new World-Camera system
- Using game.world instead of game.stage everywhere
- GameObjectFactory has tween method for making tweens
- Exported Tweem class so you can use it
- New classes: Keyboard, Touch for input event handling
- New movment system for the Sprite class
- New example to show the new movement system
Pub version 0.1.3
- EventListeners on stage automatically destroyed after state change
- Button class is simplified, easier to set coordinates
- Fix typo :KillState
- TextureAtlas contructor for Button and Sprite
- Fix typo: isMovable
- Updated README
- Named contructor for Sprite,Button,Background: bitmapdata,image,textureatlas
- Background has repeat and scale mode
- Background works with all kind of vx and vy value
- GameObjectFactory added
- Background.color constructor for static color backgrounds
Pub version 0.1.2
- New Button class
- Fullscreen mode, which keeps the aspect ratio(game.dart)
- Space Invader has fullscreen,buttons and mobile friendlier
Pub version 0.1.1
- New Sound class
- Breaking: Background is now can be animated
- Breaking: Text class reworked
- I simplified the usage of Text and Background
- A lot of new stuff in space invader example
Pub version 0.1.0
- Breaking: There is onyl one Sprite class and removed other sprite classes
- New Group class for storing Sprites
- SpaceInvader example is refactored due to he canges
- TransitionFunction can be acces through game object
- Added InteractiveBitmap helper class
- Documentation updated
Pub version 0.0.9
- Fixed documentation
- Breaking: terminateState renamed to killState
- Added Documetation site
Pub version 0.0.8
- Added documentation
- Added explanations where needed
- Breaking change: rename pauseStream to endState
- Breaking change: rename closeStream to terminateState
- Deleted Prints
Pub version 0.0.7
- Ufo in space invader example now move sideways
- Added transition_function from stagexl
Pub version 0.0.5
- Added Space Invader example
- Breaking change in State: only has load() and create()
- ResourceManagment.load() happens after load() method
Pub version 0.0.3
- Added better state example
- Added new GameObjetcs(Sprite,AnimatedSprite)
Pub version 0.0.2
- Added .gitignore
Pub version 0.0.1
- Initial publish