dartdap 0.0.5 dartdap: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
A dart LDAP v3 client library
An LDAP Client Library for Dart
Implements the LDAP v3 protocol. This library depends on the ASN1 parser library .
Implemented operations include BIND, ADD, MODIFY, DEL, MODIFYDN, SEARCH, COMPARE
var ldapConfig = new LDAPConfiguration("ldap.yaml");
var attrs = ["dn", "cn", "objectClass"];
var filter = Filter.substring("cn=A*");
ldapConfig.getConnection().then( (LDAPConnection ldap) {
ldap.search("dc=example,dc=com", filter, attrs).
listen( (SearchEntry entry) => print('Found $entry'));
See the integration test for more examples
TODO List:
- Documentation. For now please see integration_test.dart for sample usage
- Improve conciseness / usability of API
- Paged search
- VLV Search. See [https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09]
- An LDIF parser would be nice for creating integration test data
- Do we need to implement flow control so the client does not overwhelm the server?