dartdap 0.0.11 dartdap: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard
LDAP v3 client library for Dart
An LDAP v3 Client Library for Dart #
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for accessing directories.
An LDAP directory is organised as a hierarchy of entries, where one or more root entries are allowed. Each entry can be identified by a distinguished name, which is an ordered sequence of attribute/value pairs. Each entry contains a set of attributes. Attributes have a name and are associated with a set of one or more values (i.e. attributes can be repeated and are unordered).
This library can be used to query (search for and compare entries) and modify (add, delete and modify) LDAP directories.
This library supports the LDAP v3 protocol, which is defined in IETF RFC 4511.
Using dartdap #
Overview #
To perform operations on an LDAP directory, the basic process is:
- Create an [LDAPConnection] object.
- Connect to the LDAP directory (using the
method). - Authenticate to the LDAP directory, if needed (using the
method). - Perform LDAP operations (e.g.
methods). - Close the connection (using the
Please reference dartdap in pubspec.yaml
using dartdap: "^0.1.0"
Dart versioning
will prevent breaking changes from being used. See the bottom of this page
for some notes about recent breaking changes.
Basic example #
import 'package:dartdap/dartdap.dart';
// Step 1: create an LDAP connection object
var host = "localhost";
var port = 10389; // null = use default LDAP/LDAPS port
var ssl = false;
var bindDN = "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com"; // null = unauthenticated bind
var password = "p@ssw0rd";
var connection = new LDAPConnection(host, port, ssl;
try {
// Step 2: connect to the LDAP directory
await connection.connect();
// Step 3: authenticate to the LDAP directory
await connection.bind(bindDN, password);
// Step 4: perform search operation
var base = "dc=example,dc=com";
var filter = Filter.present("objectClass");
var attrs = ["dc", "objectClass"];
var count = 0;
await for (var entry in connection.search(base, filter, attrs).stream) {
// Processing stream of SearchEntry
print("dn: ${entry.dn}");
// Getting all attributes returned
for (var attr in entry.attributes.values) { // entry.attributes is a Map<String,Attribute>
for (var value in attr.values) { // attr.values is a Set
print(" ${attr.name}: $value");
// Getting a particular attribute
assert(entry.attributes["dc"].values.length == 1); // expecting one value
var dc = entry.attributes["dc"].values.first;
print("# dc=$dc");
print("# Number of entries: ${count}");
} catch (e) {
print("Exception: $e");
} finally {
// Step 5: close the connection
await connection.close();
Step 1: create an LDAP connection object
The first step is to instantiate an [LDAPConnection] object using its
constructor. If the port
is null, the default port is used based on
whether ssl
is true or not (port 389 when SSL is not used, port 636
when SSL is used).
The binding parameters (bindDN
and password
) are optional.
Step 2: connect to the LDAP directory
The connect
method is called to establish a network connection to
the LDAP directory. It uses the host, port and ssl properties of the
object. It returns a future which completes when the connection has
been established. If the connection cannot be established an exception
will be thrown: either [LdapSocketServerNotFoundException] or
Step 3: authenticate to the LDAP directory (optional)
Call the bind
method to establish an authenticated bind.
The credentials (bindDN and password) can be provided as parameters to
the bind
method. If they are not provided, the default credentials
in the object (e.g. set via its constructor) will be used.
If the bind fails, an exception will be thrown.
Step 4: perform search operation
This example performs a search operation.
The search
method returns a [SearchResult] object, from which a
stream of [SearchEntry] objects can be obtained. The results are
obtained by listening to the stream (which in the example is done
using the "await for" syntax).
The [SearchEntry] contains the entry's distinguished name and the
attributes returned.
The dn
is a String. The attributes
is a [Map] from the name of
the attribute (a String) to an [Attribute].
An [Attribute] has a values
member, which returns a [Set] of the
values of the attribute. It is a Set because LDAP allows attributes to
have multiple values. It also has a name
member, which is the name
of the attribute as a String.
Step 5: close the connection
When finished with the connection, call the close
In the above example, the close is performed in the finally section, to ensure it gets closed even if an exception is thrown.
Adding entries #
try {
var attrs = {
"objectClass": ["organizationalUnit"],
"description": "Example organizationalUnit entry"
await ldap.add("ou=Engineering,dc=example,dc=com", attrs);
} on LdapResultEntryAlreadyExistsException catch (_) {
// cannot add entry because it already exists
} on LdapException catch (e) {
// some other problem
Modifying entries #
try {
var mod1 = new Modification.replace("description", ["Engineering department"]);
await ldap.modify("ou=Engineering,dc=example,dc=com", [mod1]);
} on LdapResultObjectClassViolationException catch (_) {
// cannot modify entry because it would violate the schema rules
} on LdapException catch (e) {
Moving entries #
try {
await ldap.modifyDN(oldDN, newDN);
} on LdapException catch (e) {
Comparing entries #
try {
r = await ldap.compare("ou=Engineering,dc=example,dc=com", "description", "ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT");
if (r.resultCode == ResultCode.COMPARE_FALSE) {
} else if (r.resultCode == ResultCode.COMPARE_TRUE) {
} else {
} on LdapException catch (e) {
Deleting entries #
try {
await ldap.delete("ou=Business Development,dc=example,dc=com");
} on LdapResultNoSuchObjectException catch (_) {
// entry did not exist to delete
} on LdapException catch (e) {
Older example #
This is an example of using dartdap without using the new await/async Dart syntax.
import 'package:dartdap/dartdap.dart';
void main() {
var ldap = new LDAPConnection("ldap.example.com", 389, false);
.then((LDAPConnection ldap) {
ldap.bind("cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com", "p@ssw0rd")
.then(LDAPConnection ldap)
var base = "dc=example,dc=com";
var filter = Filter.present("objectClass");
var attrs = ["dn", "cn", "objectClass"];
print("LDAP Search: baseDN=\"${base}\", attributes=${attrs}");
var count = 0;
ldap.search(base, filter, attrs).stream.listen(
(SearchEntry entry) => print("${++count}: $entry"),
onDone: () => print("Found ${count} entries"));
Exceptions #
Methods in the package throws exceptions which are subclasses of the [LdapException] abstract class.
See the [LdapException] class for more details.
Breaking changes #
Planned changes for future releases #
Renaming of other classes and methods to follow the Dart conventions. For example, LDAPConnection and LDAPResult to become LdapConnection and LdapResult, respectively.
Considering deprecating the [DN] since it offers limited value (syntax is not any more readable than using normal String operations)
v0.0.9 to v0.1.0 #
Library is now called "dartdap" instead of "ldap_client". There was a disconnect: package X was imported, but only library Y was imported. That would have been ok if there were multiple libraries in dartdap (or plans to produce a LDAP server library), but it currently only contains one publically visible library.
Internal organisation of libraries/imports/exports have been cleaned up. This should not be noticable by existing code, unless it was directly referencing those internal libraries or files.
LDAPConnection deprecated. Programs should use whatever configuration mechanism they normally use (e.g. databases or configuration files) rather than having to use a special configuration mechanism only for dartdap (and still having to use the other configuration mechanism for the rest of the program). It is also unsafe due to a race condition that could occur.
LDAPException renamed to LdapException to follow the Dart conventions.
New exceptions for all the LDAP result error conditions have been created and LDAP operations now throw them. Instead of checking the LDAPResult resultCode returned by the LDAP operations, catch the new exceptions.
SocketException exceptions are now being internally caught and thrown in LdapSocketException objects. This make it easier to detect common failure conditions. Instead of catching SocketException, catch the new LdapSocketException (or its subclasses).