dartcore 0.0.5 dartcore: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
A simple, powerful Flask alternative for Dart, offering fast and efficient API development with scalability.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dartcore/apikeymanager.dart';
import 'package:dartcore/dartcore.dart' as dartcore;
import 'package:dartcore/rate_limiter.dart';
void main() async {
var app = dartcore.App(
"./config.json"); // optional to inculde config, but might helps in removing repeated parts of the code
final apiKeyManager = ApiKeyManager();
storagePath: "./ratelimits",
maxRequests: 99,
resetDuration: Duration(hours: 1),
encryptionPassword: "encryptionPassword"));
// app.use(app.apiKeyMiddleware(apiKeyManager)); // Not needed for this example, will make ALL routes need an API key
app.setupApiKeyRoutes(app, apiKeyManager);
// custom 500 error
app.set500((request, error) {
..statusCode = HttpStatus.internalServerError
..write('Custom 500 Internal Server Error: $error\n')
app.route('GET', '/data', (HttpRequest request) async {
final cacheKey = 'data_key';
final cachedData = app.getCachedResponse(cacheKey);
if (cachedData != null) {
await app.sendJson(request, cachedData); // Send cached response
} else {
// Simulate fetching data
final data = {'key': 'value'};
app.cacheResponse(cacheKey, data); // Cache the response
await app.sendJson(request, data); // Send fresh response
// Event test
app.route('GET', '/d', (HttpRequest request) async {
app.emit('dataRequested', {'path': request.uri.path}); // Emit event
final data = {'key': 'value'};
await app.sendJson(request, data);
// on Shutdown the server
app.on('serverShutdown', (data) {
print('Event: ${data['message']}');
// Listen for the event
app.on('dataRequested', (data) {
print('Data requested from ${data['path']}');
// Use error handling middleware
// middleware for logging
app.use((request, next) async {
print('[Middleware] ${request.method} ${request.uri}');
await next();
// Gets config
app.route('GET', '/config', (HttpRequest request) async {
final someSetting = app.getFromConfig('hi');
await app.sendJson(request, {'hi': someSetting});
// serving static files
app.route('GET', '/static/<file>', (request) async {
var filePath = request.uri.pathSegments[2];
await app.serveStaticFile(request, 'static/$filePath');
// render template
app.route('GET', '/hello', (HttpRequest request) async {
final context = {
'name': 'Alex',
'version': dartcore.version,
'showDetails': true,
'email': 'alex@example.com',
'subscription': 'Premium',
'showItems': true,
'items': ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']
await app.renderTemplate(request, './templates/child.html',
context); // renders child.html that extends hello.html
// JSON POST requests
app.route('POST', '/json', (request) async {
var jsonData = await app.parseJson(request);
await app.sendJson(request, {'received': jsonData});
// file uploads -- Make the directory "uploads" before executing, else the server will crash with an OS error.
app.route('POST', '/upload', (request) async {
await app.parseMultipartRequest(request, 'uploads');
..statusCode = HttpStatus.ok
..write('File uploaded successfully.\n')
// Start the server
await app.start(port: 8080);