dartcore 0.0.1 copy "dartcore: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dartcore: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A simple, yet powerful Flask alternative for Dart

DartCore #

DartCore is a minimalist, yet powerful HTTP server framework for the Dart programming language. It provides a simple API for routing and handling HTTP requests, making it perfect for lightweight web applications, APIs, or microservices.

Features #

  • Simple and intuitive routing
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Minimal dependencies
  • Easy to use for building RESTful APIs
  • Customizable request handling

Getting Started #

Installation #

First, ensure you have the Dart SDK installed. Then, add dartcore to your pubspec.yaml file as a dependency.

    git: https://github.com/neoapps-dev/dartcore.git

Run dart pub get to install dependencies.

Example Usage #

Follow these simple steps to set up your DartCore server.

1. Create a New Instance of DartCore #

import 'package:dartcore/dartcore.dart' as dartcore;
final app = dartcore.App();

2. Add Routes #

Use the route method to handle incoming HTTP requests. Specify the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, etc.) and the route.

app.route('GET', '/', (HttpRequest req) {
    ..write('Hello, Dart!')

app.route('GET', '/hello', (HttpRequest req) {
    ..write('Hello World from /hello route!')

3. Start the Server #

Use the start method to start the server. You can specify the port and address, or use the default values (localhost and 8080).

app.start(port: 8080);

Optional Parameters:

  • address: The server's IP address (default: localhost).
  • port: The port on which the server listens (default: 8080).

Full Example #

Here’s a complete example to get you started:

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dartcore/dartcore.dart' as dartcore;

void main() async {
  var app = dartcore.App();

  // Custom 404 Handler
  app.set404((request) {
      ..statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound
      ..write('Custom 404 Not Found Handler\n')

  // Custom 500 Handler
  app.set500((request, error) {
      ..statusCode = HttpStatus.internalServerError
      ..write('Custom 500 Internal Server Error: $error\n')

  // Middleware for logging
  app.use((request, next) async {
    print('[Middleware] ${request.method} ${request.uri}');
    await next();

  // Route for serving static files
  app.route('GET', '/static/<file>', (request) async {
    var filePath = request.uri.pathSegments[2];
    await app.serveStaticFile(request, 'static/$filePath');

  // Route for handling JSON POST requests
  app.route('POST', '/json', (request) async {
    var jsonData = await app.parseJson(request);
    await app.sendJson(request, {'received': jsonData});

  // Route for handling file uploads
  app.route('POST', '/upload', (request) async {
    await app.parseMultipartRequest(request);
      ..statusCode = HttpStatus.ok
      ..write('File uploaded successfully.\n')

  // Start the server
  await app.start(port: 8080);

Running the Server #

Run your Dart server with:

dart run

Visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the server in action!

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests to help improve DartCore.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



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A simple, yet powerful Flask alternative for Dart

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