dartbook_theme_default 1.0.0
dartbook_theme_default: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A resource package just for building an ebook by `dartbook`. It could be added in `pubspec.yaml` as a dependency, also be run in command line.
is a resource package just for building an ebook by dartbook
Features as below:
- Materail Desgin
- Tooltip Glossary
- Mobile Friendly
The package most consists of web assets, but also a little dart code that return the root path in file system. dartbook
need the root path so that could find the correct assets, e.g. style.css, fonts.
run in command line #
dart pub global activate dartbook_theme_default
dir=$(dartbook-theme --location)
dartbook build ./book-src ./book-static --theme $dir
Of course, dartbook_theme_default
could be replaced by dartbook_theme_xxx
, which would be developed by yourself!
added as a dependency #
dart pub add dartbook_theme_default
and in your code:
import 'package:dartbook_theme_default/dartbook_theme_default.dart' as t;
final assetRoot = await t.fsLocation();